Too Many Garden Projects!!!

in #dtubesnapplus5 years ago (edited)

My garden has been on my mind a lot. I have a 1/3 of an acre urban homestead that is very neglected right now for a variety of reasons.

I started out to do a garden project tour and stopped after a while because I got a bit overwhelmed what is waiting for me.

But in the next few days, I am going through and will do shorter clips of particular projects with an explanation of what I want to do and why. Hopefully, I follow each one up with the project being done - or at lest showing progress.

I am applying permaculture principles to the best of my knowledge and will explain what that is as we go along.

I might do this from my podcast account @sustainablelivin. The podcast is called The Sustainable Living Podcast and can be found on all the podcatchers out there.

I'll keep you posted on where to find the garden stuff :)


Hello @mariannewest, Nice to meet you. I love nature and I enjoy being in the natural spaces. Thank for sharing.

Thank you so much!! I am happy that you love Nature and I will attempt to share many of my garden projects. Stay tuned 😄

Nice to meet you too!

You've got your work cut out for you
Yay, for the year that produced the fruits and a Novel :D

yup. Lots of work. But there are parts that are coming together. So, that is good :) that is what happens when you start a big project and then, other things come up.... But this is my year. I am feeling it in my bones

That will lead up to an even better "your" year :D

😄 that is my intention. but you and I both know that we can plan - and then, we roll with the punches LOL

I hear you on the 'too many' garden projects - and my hubby is going away for 3 weeks so I have to do it all on my own!!!

Mine is coming back in 2 weeks. He was gone for 5 and a half month... I feel you on doing it alone...

Hugs to you!

Oh my goodness! Where did he go? You must miss him! We just worked out it'll be a whole month... we haven't been apart longer than 2.5 weeks in 16 years and that was years ago.

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Yes, that is a long time!! My husband is working in a different State and it was supposed to be 3 months. I went to see him after a few weeks. But he likes it there, the money is good and all of that. So, he renewed the contract. And I can't just leave here with animals and plants and my kids and grandkids.
But getting it sorted so I can leave more. He will be continuing there 3 months on and one month off. We shall see. I see a lot of traveling in my future.
But we talk every day and facetime is nice - or whats up has a video function as well.
And he gets to watch all the football he wants LOL

Hope you don't miss each other too much!!

Oh definitely we live in an age where communication via FaceTime makes it heaps easier. My son sent me a little video of the telly in their air BnB where the Simpsons were in French last night as him and his girl are in Paris. A photo of him would be better haha but at least I can real time communicate with him.

This may be soppy but we do like our snuggles as we are quite an affectionate couple. But I suppose we will survive. You guys sound like you have it all sorted out. And when the work calls you have to make those decisions too huh?

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That is so sweet!! Snuggles are good!!!

We just are figuring it out. His work-life is so much better there. He was so stressed out in his job here. So, I will go, he will come here and if we find a good caretaker - I might stay there for a while. We shall see.

Just steem a lot when your husband is gone - keeping busy is a good way to deal with that :)

Haha I steam so much with him here that is pretty much a steam Widow. Luckily he doesn't mind so much as he knows that I enjoy it. He also likes the fact that it keeps me busy when he is working on his Land Rover.

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A nice size but a lot of work to do. Be nice to see it all coming along. Best of luck. Hoping to get some land of my own soon and get started on my own homestead 💯🐒

I am hoping for you too. but you can start with many homesteading projects wherever you live. and maybe you find a garden that needs help. Like mine 😉

I have a very small yard and did a little this summer. But now it rainy and cold so stuff wont grow. I am hoping to get something going in door but still trying to work that one out. I'll have to post about it when I finally get my act together! 💯🐒

sounds great!! make sure to tag me so I can read your post. I have a grow tower in my yard that holds over 50 plants. I might be moving to Arizona to a colder area. I would take it with me to grow indoors. Might need some growing lights but it makes a lot of food...

Wow that sounds ideal maybe I check ones of those out, thanks for the tip. Not sure how i'd tag you in a post but will try. The more food I can grow the better in my book as it should be in anyones I think 💯🐒

i will try to remember to tag you when I make a post about it. It might be from my podcast account. @sustainablelivin - it is dead right now, but I am planning on reviving it and probably, it will be mostly garden and permaculture stuff.

Sounds great looking forward to it 💯🐒

That looks like a lot of fun. I love situations like that because you can walk out and literally start doing ANYTHING and it'll make progress. The overwhelming nature of it is easily manipulated into making a massive amount of fast progress.

working on that manipulation. I have to get over my garden ADD and stick with one project LOL.

Got this done yesterday. a bottom layer of fresh chicken poop covered with cardboard to burn whatever is growing under. A layer of mulch, dirt i dug up from the greywater system area mixed with mushroom compost, rockdust, then planted with stuff we rescued from my friend's house and bokchoy and onion starts...

And the idea with compost piles and raised beds is great! Do you spread the pile any to make a larger area, or do you just plant it as it is?

I just plant as it is. Right now, I don't have time to manage a hot compost. so, basically, they become huge worm piles. I still try to do a variety of materials, then I top it with some soil I am planting into. the buckets have small holes on the side. I fill them with water to water the plants, but also to keep the compost moist. It can dry out fast in our climate. after a year or two, the worms did their work - depending on what was in the pile it can be faster. But we have a lot of woodchips mixed with pee to compost since we don't pee in the toilet but into a mulch bucket 🤪.

Slowly, but surely, I am raising my property.... lots of soil building...

Oh, I bet your plants love that!

Where do you get the compostable stuff other than the wood chip urinal?

Do you think a wood chip urinal would work with leaves instead? I've had terrible luck getting wood chips, and wonderful luck with leaves.

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Only one way to find out - try it. I change the bucket pretty much every day... !


Heck yeah. At that rate I doubt it ever has time to make a smell. I may try moving one into the bathroom (wife has the final say, since it's her house lol). I find myself not usually making the trip to a compost pile outside, though they're convenient when I'm already out working.

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You can sell it to your wife this way - no splatter to clean up :)

Also, I used to get rabbit poop from a rabbit lady (she had 40) and there is plenty of stuff growing that becomes compostable after a while.

I used to pick up discarded produce from a foodbank type operation and spend grain from a brewery - that one is best fed to the chickens. or, when cool, to worms. but not too much at a time...

That is a real cool way to do the compost! Thanks for the tip/showing what you do :)

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