Perfect Timing

in #faith6 years ago (edited)

Yesterday, I was approached at church and asked if I would be the new secretary for the women’s group that meets following church services every Sunday. This isn’t a religious post and I value everyone’s right to choose to worship as they see fit so please don’t stop reading just because I mentioned church if you don’t worship as I do.

Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash

I was surprised at how incredible divine timing is because I have been feeling lately like I would love to have an excuse to leave the house more and a way to be of service to others in a way that I can interact with them face to face.

I work from home and often find myself staying at home for days at a time, which isn’t so good for me all the time because I have PTSD, anxiety, and depression so isolating is not always a good thing for me.

I work from home though because of my particular mental health challenges, some days it’s hard for me to leave the house if I’m anxious.

I feel incredibly blessed to have the opportunity to work from home and love doing it, I just have to be careful to not stay home for too long, that’s all.

Reforming an Introvert

I tend to be a little bit introverted if I am not necessarily comfortable in the situation so this opportunity given to me by the church should help to break me out of my shell a little bit more.

Photo by Easton Oliver on Unsplash

I’m a fairly organized person so the secretary position is perfect for me because it gives me the chance to brush up on that particular set of skills. Even if you possess a skill that you’re naturally good at you need to work at it once in a while so this will help me to do that.

I have always said that everything happens for a reason and that seems to be quite true of late for me. I have found people and things along the way that I never knew I needed to have in my life but once I had them it just felt right, like a hole was being filled that I didn’t know existed before.

What I Need

I have always been given exactly what I needed, exactly when I needed it. I believe in the Law of Attraction and in manifesting what you want for your life. If I want more money then I get it somehow by just asking. If I want a relationship or friends then I end up with them too.

Life is good when you believe it to be so and everything happens in perfect timing, exactly when we need it. Lately, I haven’t had as much faith in having my needs provided for me so they haven’t been met as fully as I would’ve liked.

I realized the other day that I was feeling low and my vibe was off so I have spent time on myself the past few days and on putting my own energy back to rights. As soon as I got myself back to center, I was offered a coveted position at church and that absolutely made my day.

I would love to hear your thoughts on perfect timing and on getting your needs met by God, the Universe, or whatever you choose to believe in.

Thanks so much for reading!


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It was good to read this today. God provided a place for me to go when my boss died last month and his company closed. I'm living with some friends now, but we need to be trusting in God's provision as well. Good reminder. :)

I definitely agree that we need to believe in His timing and trust in HIm to provide for us when we need it. I am so sorry for the sudden loss of your boss and your job! That's awesome that your friends were able to provide support that you needed. I pray that you are able to find an even better opportunity soon than the one you had to leave. I will pray for you. Thank you for a thoughtful comment :)

Thank you so much. :)

You are most welcome :)

From what I've read of your blog, it seems like you would be the perfect match to lead a focus group, so yes great timing and very providential!
Out of curiosity (don't have to say in open forum if you don't want) what work do you do that enables you to work from home and how did you find your way into it?
I can't say I believe in the model of the world as any Christian church puts it forward, but I do believe in community and that people thrive best and achieve the most within a community, so I have on occasion found myself in the company of Christian groups.

Thank you for the compliment, that means a lot to me. I am a freelance writer and I got into it about 3 years ago. I wrote a few posts on it a couple weeks ago if you want to take a read. I love to write and it allows me to work from home, which helps with the PTSD. Feel free to send me a message on Discord if you need more details.
I understand that not everyone believes as I do but Christianity has saved my life in a way. Support from people at church have allowed to me have more positive days then negative days. It gives me something to believe in and who doesn't need that, right?
Thanks for a thoughtful comment!

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