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RE: Fitness - My 1000 Rep Challenge

in #fitness6 years ago

Yeah, exactly. The face of Britain has changed beyond belief in the last 10 or so years....
Local communities of indigenous people have been 'replaced'!
Foreign immigrants have no allegience, they are dragging us down to their level and turning our country into their country....
It's not a good situation.


sir preppervetuk...that's was my impression also, so why are they allowing this? Do those wealthy royals have any power? When I watched some of the royal wedding awhile back, just because I like to see the British pomp and majesty, I was thinking all these rich royals here are either living in an alternate reality or they have no power because they are losing everything they hold dear.
Are the immigrants still coming in?

We, in Britain, are lucky we live on an island, or there would be far more of them. Mainland Europe is completely swamped, with Sweden at the worst of it.
The Royals relinquished their powers years ago and now only appear to serve as tourist figureheads and traditionalists with their head in the clouds. They never get involved or express their opinions in anything political. It's just like the scenario in the following link....

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