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RE: The dentist said that if my children didn't use fluoridated toothpaste they risked tooth damage and multiple dentist visits.

in #fluoride6 years ago

Yes, it is candy here. I know no matter what you'll be able to come to a good decision that everyone can be happy with. Love you Jim, it's tough to be awake in this world... :'(


Thanks again Lynds. It really is tough, especially working for a government agency as I do. I am surrounded by believers and some of them don't take too kindly to my views on certain topics. I'm still surprised how offended people get when you insult the Royal family for instance. The brainwashing goes deep !!!

Peace and love x

Would be so frustrating...

Makes me appreciate my little bubble all the more. Yet, I need to get out more and reach the masses. You're doing good work. You are needed. Please, keep that shit up! And then vent to me/us anytime in the truth room!! <3 Or DM me!

Your homestead bubble looks/sounds awesome. I'd love to do the same and perhaps one day in the not too distant future I will find the balls to just take the plunge and do something different instead of sticking to the easy path. Ideally, we'd like to take the kids on an extended travelling trip so they can see for themselves that life/society doesn't have to be the way it is in the UK.

I had quite a good discussion this morning in the tea room this morning with a few colleagues after someone uttered the classic words "Why don't you just forget about it all and get on with your life". I spoke without pause for about 15 mins explaining why I couldn't just "forget about it".

You might regret extending the venting invitation. Be prepared for a wall of text in your DMs in the not too distant future ;-)

Thanks again for your support.


The only way, and I mean the only way I've gotten through the last 11 years since 'waking up', is community. I immediately started forming online communities with others interested in the same things as me. We lean on each other. We fucking need each other. Venting? Dude. Let er rip. I can handle it and am pretty much an expert at being cool with righteous rage.

Been there seen it and done it. They gave me a hard time back in Ontario..I said it is ok...I will not argue with you, I will find another dentist. I did not rant and rage. They do not understand. In the end they quietly relented and I stayed with the same dentist. Fortunately Ontario has many natural alternative dentists. However, I did not have to find one. I lucked out on that one. Knowing my dentist well, ranting would not had worked, so I used the soft approach in that instance. ..good can only prove your point out well, if you stay with the same dentist and they relent and your kids do not have cavities. they you have really won. I say also go armed with data. sadly in Europe fluoride is a carcinogenic. they do we use it.

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