The only Karma-less food

in #food6 years ago (edited)

One day I came across this term Karma-less food. I didn't really know what it meant so naturally I googled it. Apparently fruit is considered the only "Karma-less food" because you don't have to kill a plant or animal to eat it. Even with many vegetables you have to kill the plant to eat it. But not fruit, you pick it and it will just grow more. It really is a beautiful thing if you think about it.

“Man may live entirely upon fruits, in better health than the majority of mankind now enjoy. Good, sound, ripe fruits are NEVER a cause of disease.” – Charles W. De Lacy Evans.

This got me thinking maybe there was something to this. I always feel terrible when I drive past factory farms, the smell of methane is atrocious! You know they just live in their shit and eat feed while basically waiting to die. You know those cows don't live good healthy lives. I remember being told as a child to never eat a sick animal, well it seems like with factory farms all we eat is sick animals these days. Maybe that's why everyone is getting cancer. Maybe the cancer everyone is getting is the Karma for eating these poor sick animals.

Don't get me wrong, I eat meat. I love it to be honest, but I always buy organic free range meat from known sources at the farmers market or from farms so at least I know the animals at least had lived a good healthy life. Because I feel like sick meat isn't healthy to eat, no matter how cheap it is! IT IS NOT WORTH IT!

Anyhow, I thought this idea behind Karma-less food was interesting. Maybe you think it is interesting too. Let me know in the comments below.

Peace, Love and all that hippie shit


Yes @moderndayhippie. Instant Karma is going to get us all... it wasn't like this back in the garden. We just lived on fruits. Our body and desires has changed. We may be able to change back but we cannot wait for food suppliers to change. The change is from the individual consumer (me) to think about what I put in my mouth.

Absolutely! It is on us to make the conscious change about what we eat. That is why when I do eat animals I do my best to make sure they were raised humanely and organically so they lived a good life. I use to eat meat at every meal, sometimes multiple times a day but now I only eat meat once or twice a week and I feel much better about that and much more healthy to be honest!

An excellent point!
I often find myself having to remind militant vegans that plants try to defend against being harvested as much as animals - only that we don't usually hear plants scream within our regular frequency spectrum of perception. Eating the fruits... is a tempting argument.

I also keep reminding myself that the intent is everything. In other words if I slaughter a cow that I have raised all his life, with the right intent and maybe even an energetic ritual, it would be alright somehow. Cycle of life as object of intent as well as genuine respect always worked well for me before I eat anything.

Ha, so true! lol.
I agree, I think intent is more important than many people realize. Maybe killing a animal is wrong but if it lived a good life and you plan on using all of it then it is really the circle of life. But when we raise animals in a barn (cut off their beaks), never the see light of day and then label them cage free chickens, that is not the circle of life.. That is literally hell for those poor animals, and I can't imagine that is the food we should be eating!?!.. I am not some PETA freak or anyone who believes in "rights for animals" I just believe in doing the right thing because its the right thing to do (call me nuts, lol). But if we are going to kill an animal to eat it we should respect it enough to give it a decent life while it is alive.

It makes me want to buy a fruit tree. I believe pomegranate trees take 10 years to grow. I better start now.

I wish there was a coin, after every transaction, a fruit tree was planted. I would definitely buy some.

ha, that is a good idea. Maybe someday someone will have an idea along those lines for a coin. I didn't know pomegranate trees took so long to grow, that blows my mind because most fruit trees grow rather quick.

its not a bad think to take into consideration when getting some fruits.

the plant will bloom and produce again next year...

i like the termination :)

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