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RE: Laying down on the job

in #freedom6 years ago

The sheeple of the world will read your post and think you are bat shit crazy. Seriously they think getting a "good job" so they can afford to buy a bigger house and nicer car then their neighbor is freedom. They think that they "must have" the latest 5G TV in every room of the house so they don't miss a minute of their stupid staged reality TV show or talk show. They have to buy this years designer clothes and so forth. Then one day they wake up and wonder how after years of having this good job they are flat broke.

They are slaves to a system that is designed to trap you in debt and pay the banks interest on money they created from thin air.

The process of thinking for yourself is nearly extinct and those of us that do are made fun of and given a hard time for not falling into the same traps that others do.

Most given the opportunity of responsibility won't take it as there is too much work involved, too much that needs to be considered, too much effort but perhaps one day, things will change and enough will cooperate together, independently.

This right here is why people need to show up to their shitty job they hate for nearly their entire life. They trade their souls to the man in exchange for the right to purchase a ton of crap that they don't need but were conditioned into thinking they "must have".


The sheeple of the world will read your post and think you are bat shit crazy.

Most do.

They are slaves to a system that is designed to trap you in debt and pay the banks interest on money they created from thin air.

I was explaining to someone yesterday how banks create money (at a basic level) and they had never even come close to it before It was like a brand new world.

I wonder if most people were asked if they wanted to choose their career again, would they?

If I could keep the knowledge that I have now or even half of it I would. There are no do-overs. If not then no.

I was in finance and couldn't do it. The world is so cut throat and back stabbing that it made me sick. To give you an idea I was the Financial Controller for a company and took them public (no cfo so I was actiing CFO also), I've done private stock offerings of around 15 million, I've merged publicly traded companies, and I've been a signer on an account with $50 million in the account...could have skipped town a very rich man in my early 20'

After this I was on the personal investment side. My issue was anything I suggested someone to purchase there just isn't a logical reason to buy except that people are banking on new highs being achieved. Fundamentals have gone out the window and we are heading towards another financial global crash.

Honestly I feel that they let Trump win so the crash that was coming would be pinned on him. They never expected him to due what he has already done which if you remove his childish antics is pretty amazing. Just maybe he heads off the crash in the US, but pretty sure the rest of the world is in deep shit. If they go forward with trying to go tit for tat with the US on tariffs they will figure out real quick that they don't import nearly the amount that they export and without the mighty US consumers most Countries are broke in a matter of months.

Don't think most people realize how much other economies rely on the US consumers. Without US consumers reckless spending habits and the insanely crazy loose banking rules here that allow personal debt levels that are unsustainable and then followed by simple personal bankruptcy laws that let people more or less walk away with just messed up credit (and they cry about that) a ton of other Countries can't support themselves.

So without the banks ability to just say here is a loan, literally creating money on the spot, the world economy goes straight to shit. It is nothing but a house of cards built on overspending on personal and every level of government. At some point the music must stop and I don't think most are even slightly prepared for what comes next.

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