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RE: All Funked Up!!! ⌛A 5 Minute FreeWrite⌛

in #freewrite6 years ago

Hey, @kaerpediem.

The funk must be contagious. I've been trying to work my way out of one for several weeks now, with different things from life getting in the way. Starting to get back into it, but don't want to get too involved again because that seems to be when things start to unravel. When I do more than what I'm bound to get back.

Probably sounds a little selfish, but there's not a big difference between high effort and medium effort, and medium effort seems to keep me out of the funk, so for now, I'm trying to keep an even keel for as long as possible.

Thanks for sharing. I liked how the poem just did a 180 degree pivot right in the middle of it, and how not only the tone changed, but the words expressed, too. Seemed polished but rigid at the beginning, mournful, but more loose and almost freeform at the end. Very well done.


Starting to get back into it, but don't want to get too involved again because that seems to be when things start to unravel.
I feel you, because I'm flip flopping with this too
Those initial ideas and possibilities shredded into tottering bits as reality set in... sigh
The people though.... there are some pretty decent ones

Thank you so much on sharing your thoughts on the poem
You broke it down so eloquently... I love it
I have a big smile on my face now

Thank you so much @glenalbrethsen

Hey, glad to be of help.

Audience needs to be built before the really good stuff is produced, but you can't build an audience without producing good enough. So, figuring that out is ongoing, and I've not done it yet, but commenting more on other people's posts and coming up with good enough posts that can be notched up as audience builds is the plan. Making it happen is where things get a little tricky. :)

A catch 22 eh?
Good thing I enjoy most parts of it
So that keeps me going for now
Hey @glenalbrethsen, thank you so much for taking the time :D

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