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RE: The Importance of Play—A Manifesto, of Sorts

in #fun6 years ago

This lightness is essential to living and understanding anything. Your actress friend must have these moments or she would have long since passed from life. A some point we came to believe that struggle validates. I guess it is so we will persevere. I am often seen as a very hard worker and many people have interpreted this as a sign of struggling. Where I see it as fun and perseverance ... no hardship. And then eureka I can do something I could not do before.

I think we are here to learn and serve creation. We learn so we can serve creation. Suffering can drive creation and so martyrdom is valued. She has not suffered enough to understand that there is another way. That is fortunate for her. But it also means, she simply cannot understand your POV. Perhaps, she is still caught up in the idea of good versus evil. This philosophy implies perpetual struggle. If one considers herself good and she must fight evil to continually prove she is good, she serves war, but she will believe it is the other guy who does. I agree lightness is better:):):) It is less destructive.


I don't know if I would say she has not suffered enough but I do believe our attitude can compound our suffering. 2 quotes I might have shared with you speak me better than myself:

Laughter is the habitual crying of the wise." —Magdalena Samozwaniec

What must a man have suffered to find it so very necessary to be a buffoon?' —Nietzsche (on Shakespeare)

I do think it has to do with subtracting oneself from the equation, somehow, not taking oneself or one's suffering, too personally (if that makes sense). Such detachment, I find, lightens the load. It's a discipline to be sure and, like everything worthwhile, something we must work (and hard) at. _/|\_

I think perhaps it comes with the realization that in corporeal form there is so much out of our control and coming to realize that there are guiding force/forces outside of corporeal/ego self that are much better at 'controlling' those forces. With grasping, we do a lousy job at controlling and are better apt to let go and let god ... I believe is the saying. Then what is there left to do but celebrate life. When I say your friend has not suffered enough, I do nit wish more suffering on her; rather the opposite. But she has yet to be convinced and that tends to take more suffering, unless like Master Eckhart, she is delivered from her suffering. I would wish that on everyone. Where there is no suffering, there is true faith and understanding. Namaste, Yahia. I coming to rather enjoy our morning metaphysical dialogue:) May you have a truly blessed day:)

I admit, after I wrote you, I saw your larger point (continuing the exchange in my head). We're in agreement, on essentials, my friend. Thanks, for taking the time and care to walk me through it. Your metaphysical chops are sharper than mine, today :) Namaste, Pryde and blessing back your way _/|\_

Metaphysical chops ... must be all the karate:)But it does work that way:) Namaste:)

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