An Alphabetical Approach to My Steam Games Library Post #7 - Assassin's Creed Special

in #gaming6 years ago

In the thirteen years since I opened my Steam account, (Thanks, Half-Life 2) I've collected an enormous collection of games through various Steam sales, and bundles for sale through sites like Humble Bundle, Indie Gala, and Fanatical (formerly Bundle Stars).

The thing is, I haven't played almost any of them, but the most 'popular' titles, and I've got no idea what is good, and what is bad. Steam does have a system of user reviews; but I like to experience things for myself, without context, and to suspend judgement from what others have written.

Steam Stats Sourced

So here we go, approaching my Steam Collection with alphabetical precision. I don't know what the frequency of these posts will be, but I can tell you that there may end up being a lot of them!

Assassin's Creed

A white, cloaked figure navigates a crowd. He jostles through faceless citizens, running into a woman carrying a pot upon her head. It falls to the ground, and shatters; the pot maker's labours dispersed upon a Damascus city street. The year is 1191, and here; justice comes hard and fast.

"Kill him!", exclaims a city guard, and the cloaked figure gets mobbed by guards, surrounded. Seven of them die. Seven lives for a pot, as the cloaked figure slips back into a group of passing scholars, leaving the scene.

This is Assassin's Creed. It isn't actually 1191, and the cloaked figure is a figment of mnemonic DNA bought to life by a machine called the Animus. A man named Desmond Miles is captive here, held by Dr Warren Vidic and Lucy Stillman.

Assassins hold some deep, dark secret in the past that will make the present world a better place. The premise is this secret resides in ACGT double helix of DNA, and Miles holds the key Vidic is after.

The game shifts between Miles "going in" the Animus, to his "ancestor", Altair, who is the main playable character. Altair is an "Assa-yuuuuuun", as pronounced by many characters. This is no doubt a bid to lend some tattered threads of historical authenticity to the setting.

You're let loose in the sandbox, sand-world of Jerusalem. Welcome. A lovely spot, Jerusalem. You can choose to parkour around the environment as much as you want. Other activities on offer include pick pocketing, eavesdropping, hiding, and base jumping. Of course, there's also the titular ability to assassinate.

Hidden among the highly vertical levels which would make Lara Croft blush (and breathe heavily at the top) are thousands of flags which act as collectibles to break up the otherwise repetitive game play loop.

It goes a little like this:
  1. Rock up to place / city.
  2. Find Assassin Guild Master.
  3. Seek Clues.
  4. Produce Evidence of Clues.
  5. Go Kill the bad thing
  6. Escape
  7. Report Back
  8. Go to 1.

It isn't a particularly varied game play loop, and you get bored by about the third assassination. This is due to the fact that the voice acting for all the citizens in all the cities is the same. Also, the combat becomes easier and easier as you progress through the game.

There's little to no challenge in taking out every single guard you see, even if stealth fails you completely. It feels like Grand Theft Auto; but without the guns, drugs, and courtesans you can beat for money.

Assasssin's Creed does not hold up to any sense of modern criticism, with repetitive gameplay, poor, uninspired voice acting, and un-revolutionary gameplay.

This come from someone who has never played (or watched anyone play) any Assassin's Creed title. I didn't even know that it played out all in the head of an individual held hostage by some crazed doctor. Too bad that revelation comes about in the first ten minutes of the game.

Otherwise, that would have been an excellent plot twist. "It was all just a dream," yet the same cannot be said of Assassin's Creed; it is more like being subjected to not-quite enough anesthesia prior to major surgery.

Verdict: 4/10

All screenshots taken from the Steam Store page for the game.


I don't know why this review makes me laugh so much. I remember when Assassin's Creed came out and it was such a hype. The graphics, the physics, everything was so badass and impressive, at least for the first hours of gameplay. I never ended the game, I got bored and it's so pleasant to see that I'm not the only one who hated the repetitive voice acting of the npcs. It seems like a minus detail, but it does so much for the game to implement variety on the dialogs...

Anyways, I liked the article and the approach of this project. I'll be following this Steam series.


The second game (next in my list) actually makes me want to keep playing, but I see right through it. Its still pretty basic and not vastly improved, but it is better.

Thanks for your comment and interest in this project. :)

No problem 😊 Looking forward to read it!

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Ha, it looks like have the same Steam problem. I also installed it from Half Life 2 ages ago (really, 13 years?), and since then amassed a huge amount of titles that haven't been played.

I did try Assassin's Creed a few times, most recently at the start of this year. I remember the hype around it, and how it great it was. Unfortunately, I've bounced off it an equal amount of time. Possibly, it is time to give up on this and just jump to a later one in the franchise...

Love your recaps of games!

I don’t have a steem account but this is impressive bro!

When I was a teenager I used to play Half Life the original and man that scared the hell out of me :)


It hurts me when I see your criticism of Assassin's Creed easiness because it gets easier with each game!! They're not stealth games anymore right now.

Though I think the entries since 3 (and Revelations before that) added enough variety to make up for the lack of good stealth/combat balance.

And the moral questions of the series is enough to keep me playing even if the gameplay was worse than this.

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