So day 3 of canna-curate with holding votes.

in #ganjacoward5 years ago

Well if $0.40 once a day is what it takes to buy someone...

Well fair is what fair is.

I'm still making 8.5% delegation.

But personally? Yeah this is exactly what is lacking. The ability to follow through on your word.

Leveraging my delegation over your butthurt friend? Good job.

Again why would I want to have @jonyoudyer as a friend if he uses @canna-curate votes against the Cannabis community?

Pretty low and exactly what I'd expect from him.


Posted using Partiko Android


Dear ganjacoward, the ganjafarmer I know Doesnt like to aiir out his dirty laundry and look....----------(salty) You always have choice. I mean are you one og those guest that will go to a resturant, complain about the food, but not only eats it but continues to eat at the establishment and complain? because you can just not go to the retsurant and buy the food. Those kinds people like to create problems, so they have something to do. Ive been watching and following your post. They are ver negative, If you cant take the heat get out the kitchen. Becaus sitting there an bitching about it over ahnd over again is redonkoulous! So common man. Dont be like that. I wont keep company like that around and i'lL have to skip a meet up if you do your visit to vegas. I dont like peeps where drama follows them. Look we all have our issues in lief, Its how you handle them that help you grow as a person. Pick and choose your battles. @jonyoudyer is a good man and no different than any other delegation trail that struggles with upvotes. YOu act like this is new. And then you blow it up, over and over again. THIS HAS GotTo Stop. IF YOU HATE HIM AND CANNA THEN YOU HAVE CHOICE, YOU HAVE CHOICE! TAKE YO SHIT AND GO. You shouldnt have to put up with that shit anyways, right???? so why stay and bitch over and over? Just frustrated with seeing the whole issues unfold and ... just grow up. And Im not Trying to be mean. Im being honest.

No worries. Beat of luck and have fun!

Posted using Partiko Android

Bro, I have never met a more self destructive person in my life you need to stop acting this way if you want friends and if you want things in life. I hope that you can see things a different way and maybe things can be a little bit better for you I wish you the best of luck.

Posted using Partiko Android


No worries I've been cool. And thanks for your honesty. By all means be judgemental and place your opinion where it's not needed or welcome?..

Yeah I'm totally down with skipping meeting up with someone who gets involved and jumps to conclusions.

Maybe I don't need friends like this.

Like I said best of luck.

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Thank you so much for being an awesome Partiko user! You have received a 40.69% upvote from us for your 5495 Partiko Points! Together, let's change the world!

Sorry people suck.

What do you mean about making 8.5% on the delegation?

When you delegate you make 8.5% interest... I've got out over 1kSP out right now.

Posted using Partiko Android

Ah, thank you! I did not know that. I assumed delegating was just lending SP with no payback.

Fuck got discord? I'll teach you a few more tricks...

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This post is supported by @tipU upvote :)
@tipU voting service always profitable, instant upvotes | For investors.

Oh my lord, you are still going on. Damn i told you to take back your delegation. If you want 40 cents i will put you back on auto. Its paused now, but will be back on in 24 hours.

See you soon!

Posted using Partiko Android

Just know, one more time of putting someones personal messages on blast, or spreading more drama with lies and misinformation, I will take you back off. Fair to ask right?

Ones word doesn't mean much these days does it?

Posted using Partiko Android

So does this mean you will be staying out of an argument that has nothing to do with you or Canna? That's why you lost your shit. And I'll do what I want. Just your petty actions are not really honorable or worthy of any kind of respect.

And lies and misinformation? What was a lie and what was misinformation? As I see it I've just said what is true and documented your actions.

You wanted to get all buck and threaten Canna as financial manipulative behavior? Doesn't that just prove my point?
At no time has this been about you until you ran your mouth.

This is a good reason we need smart contracts. Because you can't hold your word.

Maybe you should step-down as head of canna-curate if you can't manage it correctly.

Oh yeah blockchain is forever baby!

Posted using Partiko Android

You make no sense. But yes your getting put back on auto vote.

Let's talk soon then. But makes no sense why you went full shirtless over an issue that wasn't yours. I left dgi so what.

By all means explain your overreacting response?

Seems you don't want to communicate or face your actions.

Posted using Partiko Android

The Canna-Curate communtiy will decide if you are worthy of their votes after you've repeatedly violated the terms of the trail("no racism or hate allowed") and then continued to drag its name and @jonyoudyer's name through the mud over the past few days.

You're lucky Jon has been so gracious to you... But you're actions cannot be held unaccountable. Most the people do not want to upvote your content after the way you have behaved over this and other situations you get involved in on the platform. Dynamic Steemians Community, Veteran Community, Vegan Community & African Bead scams to name just a few.

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