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RE: Why Girls are more important than Guys

in #girlsfoundation6 years ago

I believe you chose your topic because it will make readers want to read. "Why girls are more important than guys."
You were actually emphasizing on equality. And that's what the feminists are fighting for. I was surprised when you mentioned this;

I'm also not a feminist...

I also believe no gender is superior to the other. We should have equal rights. Only the gullible ones believe they are superior to a female just because they have a rod between their legs.

But, this is what I don't agree with.

'What a man can do, a woman can do better'
The only reason i agree with this statement is because there are so many things a woman can do that a man can never do and most of the things men do are now common between women, in fact they've made it a daily routine already...

Let's be frank here. You know this isn't true. Women actually left the harder works for men. You won't see a lady digging a well where I come from. How many female mechanics and engineers have you met? Those saying "what a man can do, a woman can do better" are feminists trying to prove no point.

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