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RE: "Quick" Post on Glyphosate and What YOU Can Do

Thank you so much for this valuable post.
I had wondered about Parkinson's actually - my other aunt's shakes remind me of Parkinson's - and she's always been known for gardening.
Nasty stuff. I really appreciate your efforts.
I love that I do bone broth normally, but I find organic difficult to afford. I will do better.


I don't know how much you spend on bones, but I know it's cheap for me to make a week's worth of stock. Like $6-7 cheap, and that's pastured birds, the best quality money can buy.

Also not sure your living situation, but chickens are cheap to raise on pasture, so ething to the tune of $9 a bird from chick to oven in eight weeks. That's not counting infrastructure, which can be as cheap or expensive as you like. I'm building a chicken tractor for a friend that I've sourced materials for for free. I'll be sure and make a post on the process, but the point is that this kind of thing can be done by many folks, even in a way that it can benefit multiple people. That'll be another post I'm thinking. :)

I'm so glad you're asking questions like these, they're incredibly crucial, and I'm really excited by your drive! Thank you, good job, and keep going! 💚

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I'm stuck in the city - apartments, no chickens for sure. I have raised backyard chickens though - in fact, I was just talking to someone on here (or one of the others) a couple days ago about the fact that when I raised my own chickens - and was feeding four growing boys and myself (plus a toddler), one of our own chickens would feed us happily for two meals - plus a soup. (And that was an older, but smaller bird than commercially - and everyone being satisfied - i.e, I didn't tell people not to take seconds.) One commercial chicken would only feed us for one meal. That opened my eyes.

Soon, I'll be able to buy more locally-grown meat (and we are often given deer/antelope in season - so even better than organic!) - which will really help a lot. It will be a little more expensive, but should feed us better, so it will be worth it for sure. Just waiting to find me some wheels!

Heck, I just saw you're in Wyoming! God's country. I bet you probably know more about livestock than I do!

Posted using Partiko Android

I've only been in Wyoming a couple of years now, but I raised livestock growing up. So, yeah, I know a bit about the subject. :-)

Hahahah perfect!

How do you like Wyoming? I always figured if there was some place for me other than Texas, it'd be Wyoming.

Posted using Partiko Android

I love it. High altitude takes a bit of getting used to - especially when I can.
It's probably the one place that can challenge Texas for cheap land, but most of it is non-arable due to the alkali flats left behind from an ancient lake. Still, one can do raised beds fairly easily.

It's dryer than Texas, cooler (I like both of those aspects, actually.) We still get awesome storms without being in tornado alley... As conservative as Texas if not more (positives and negatives there.) More cows/deer/antelope, etc. than people, by far, lol. Lots of open space with awesome views. Take a look through my photo series and be tempted.

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