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RE: Odds And Ends

You remind me of after I bought my duplex. I remember the exuberance of torching the sink from hell out from underneath and totally rebuilding it. Walking out of the house with it like a trophy in my hand, declaring my victory over it's miserable death. Took it to the hardware and said I want to rebuild this structure all brand new. Every year was new adventures in learning one thing or another. That was one of my most prized moments because once I got past that I could basically plumb anything I figured. There isn't much I haven't learned to do, I don't do anything on the main roof, which is twenty six feet up just to reach it, that's not the top, though I have overcome my fear of heights considerably and the first time I painted this house I had to do the peak in the front for myself, I guess I just wanted to feel like I conquered it, that's more than thirty feet up. Now though I am a little worn on things like plumbing, you get older and your back just don't like hedging off the edge of the bottom of the cabinet. Lots of times I don't have the same enthusiasm for some things, like drywall, though I've gotten quite good at it I just don't like dealing with all the dusty mess.


Yeah, this was not really how we wanted to do things, it was just how we could afford to do things... I am not interested in becoming a house flipper or anything like that!

I am not a flipper either....though I would be more intrigued to do something like least it would be like working on something new instead of the same old house for 28 years. lol.

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