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RE: Another gem found on my way home.

in #graffiti6 years ago (edited)

Oh yes, the old White Trash! :) I worked there when they change the rest to the Schonhauser Alle. Have crazy stories from this place XD I have to search for the pic I have with Marky Ramone, made some burgers for him :P hehehehe

People always miss Berlin ;)


Woah .. then you must live in Berlin for a long time!!!!! OMG there was this waiter from the US at the white trash still on Tor! I wasn't there but Mike was with friends ... she demanded to get more of tip from Mike since he was from the US and she wouldn't leave. She can be happy I wasn't there! We must know maybe some of the same people. Most of of friends worked in gastronomy (water gate) ... haha. Do you know an Italian called Andrea???

Italian Andrea??? I know two Andreas from Italy, could be ... I was in Watergate just few times .. I was more Panorama Bar/Berghain - Bar 25 boy :P At the beginning did so much party hereed, also the White Trash help a lot to that XD ... but after the White Trash I stoped working in Gastronomy and starter to work on what I had studied in my country ... til now and hopefully will be like that in the future :D Gastronomy is fun if you are young but after a while is too much streesing (for me)
Waitress in the WT were a bit arrogant, also we the cookers spooke about it a lot in the kitchen. Was the same everywhere kind of ... in the clubs and bars in Berlin people are kind of arrogant. Btw, WT had 2 owners, a german one and an american one ... lot of people from US were working there also.

If you know two Italian Andreas I'm pretty one of them we know together. OMG Berlin was so intense. We partied too much that we actually left the city because of that and moved to a tiny town in Ireland to escape it. I wonder if we ever ran into each other.

hehehe could be that we have meet around ... yes, Berlin was pretty intense but actually pretty cool, I am very happy I could see and live that Berlin. Now is different ... or maybe I am just getting old :P hahahahahaha

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