More Farmers Are Switching To Growing Hemp

in #hemp5 years ago

It's expected that hemp is going to help to boost the economy in many states, with a growing number of farmers who are growing interested in switching over and starting to grow this crop. Numerous bills have been introduced around the country, seeking to welcome hemp cultivation and processing, removing hemp from the list of scheduled substances, and so on.

“We’ve got the labor market here; we’ve got the land; we’ve got the infrastructure, so we have the upper hand... I can produce it as cheap as anybody. I have the expertise.” - M Calebs, about his family's farm that's switching from tobacco production to hemp now.

For many regions that are struggling, a move into hemp production could mean drastically turning things around for the community and it is bringing hope to many. Thousands of hemp growing licenses have been given out in Tennessee alone. But there are some who have been pushing their heels in against the change, including states like Idaho, despite the amount of people in the region who might be in favor of the change.

There are hemp expos being held around the country as well, with various organizations who are seeking to perpetuate the potential benefits with hemp, trying to dissolve some of the stigma that's built up over the years.

There is great potential for hemp to be used to help produce a wide range of products that can increase our standard of living and improve our lives, and farmers never should have been prohibited from growing this crop to begin with.

One thing that's helping to greatly fuel the success of the hemp market right now is CBD and that demand isn't expected to slow down anytime soon. You can now find hemp being grown in South Carolina, Kentucky, West Virginia, and many other regions. These farmers are helping to grow hemp that is going to contribute to producing thousands of potential products. Not everyone who is interested in growing though, is going to get their chance, as their are only a limited number of licenses being given out to those farmers who might be interested.

Pic1 via undark

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I know here in my state (Michigan) there are farmers looking to do this to compete with the northern neighbors (Canada) and their hemp production. I think sometime in late 2018, there was even a report on the news about it.

I don't recall all the particulars about it, but I believe hemp has a good chance of becoming some state's cash crop. But then again I fear if the government or large businesses get involved, all the regulations will thwart the sales/profits and some smaller family farms will once again lose out.

Yes. Be aware of the government regulations.
Once they can't stop it, they try to control and manipulate it.
F... that!
Hemp, Hemp Hooray :)

Good news!

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It’s really good! Has it’s quirks but I enjoy using it regularly.

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I use SteemPeak, Steepshot and Partiko the most, but I plan on being on TokenBB a lot more to build up my forums.

Posted using Partiko iOS

In most areas of the great plains, feed grains are all that can be grown. The feed/ethanol corn grown fence row to fence row thing has been pushed to its limits. Hemp is a wonderful way to diversify the hundreds of miles of nothing but corn.

@doitvoluntarily These are excellent news dear friend, if this is profitable for farmers should have the opportunity to produce it
Many thanks spor share this news
I wish you an excellent week dear friend

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