Excerpts From A Cattle Drive Cowboy's Journal

in #history6 years ago (edited)

howdy folks and greetings from the Great Plains of North Texas which
is still predominately cattle country. I've been talking about the Old
West cattle drives which took place in the 1860s through the 1880s
and thought it would be interesting to hear from a few of the actual
Cowboys on the trail.


Few men wrote a journal as they worked the cattle drives and I don't
blame them, the last thing I'd be interested in doing when I finally
got off the horse for the day would be to sit down and write. But
thankfully a few of them did.

One of them was a cowboy named George Duffield and he went on
a cattle drive in 1866 from South Texas to Iowa. here is a few of his
May 1st, “Big stampede. Lost 200 head of cattle”. May 2nd, “Spent
the day hunting and found but twenty-five head. It has been raining
for three days”. May 8th, “Rain pouring down in torrents. Ran my
horse into a ditch and got my knee badly sprained”. May 9th, “Still
dark and gloomy. River up. Everything looks blue to me”.


Here are more entries:
May 31st, “Swimming cattle is the order. We worked all day in the
river and at dusk got the last beef over. I am now out of Texas This
day will long be remembered by me. There was one of our party
drowned today”.

June 27th, ”My back is blistered badly from exposure while in the
river and I with two others are suffering very much. I was attacked
by a beef in the river and had a very narrow escape from being
hurt by diving”.

By the time they reached Iowa their herd of 1,000 head was now
500 head.

Another journal entry said this: "Lightning storms are common and
kill many cowboys. I once saw a lightning strike that killed two men
and 5 horses. I was struck once on my horse...I was knocked off my
horse and woke up looking up at the belly of my horse we rain water
dripping on my face. It's a miracle the horse just stood there, I think
he was in shock."


Here's one more by cowboy George:
June 19th "15 Indians came to herd and tried to take some beeves.
Would not let them. Had a big muss. One drew his knife and I my
revolver. Made them leave but fear they have gone for others”.

Keep in mind that by this time we had treaties with most of the tribes
but they were not happy! With good reason, being forced off their
land and promised a great deal of food and supplies which never
came mysteriously.


The way that most cattle drives worked is they would see some Indians
approach and since the cattle were going through the Indian's territory
they wanted payment to allow that. So the normal fee was a good
sized steer. I think that's fair. And that became part of the standard
operation of the drive.

all photos from realwesthistory.net
that's all for today folks, the next post I'll talk about the most important
aspect of the daily cowboy life, the food! I even have original recipes.

God bless you all!
-jonboy Texas
the gentleman redneck

ps- ya know..you might just be a redneck if:

you consider the 5th Grade your senior year!


Those are some short entries. But then again, he probably didn’t have much time for writing!

lol! it's all in a book so that's all I got, I didn't have time to buy the book and wait for it to get here! sorry! lol

I love every part of this @janton especially the excerpts from the journals. Cowboys didn't have time to sit behind a computer. They were dog tired and got right down to the point.

It's raining another day in Korea^^ Ha. I even made another video about it.

In Korea each grade level represented ten years of your life. So if you asked someone their age they would say, "I'm in fifth grade class 3" which means I'm 53. The problem was that in Korean school there is no seventh and eight grade it just goes up to middle school first grade. So when people reached seventy they didn't know how to say their age. Then they realized that the Seoul subway expanded to include 10 lines. Each train also has 10 cars. So now they answer, "I'm line nine car 2."

oh howdy again mineopoly! well I would have put in more quotes but that cowboys quotes are in a book I'd have to buy and I didn't have time to wait on it to get here!
that age thing is the craziest thing I've ever heard!

Wild stuff. Can't wait till the book comes and I hope our life may be at least "interesting" to the next generation.

I don't think it will. I mean from what I've seen of teenagers they couldn't care less about anything we did, they just want to be entertained and get the latest games or phones. plus there are never any questions or passing on wisdom because they have the internet at their fingertips and think they know it all.
I hope I'm way wrong but that's just what I've seen.
I never ordered that book but I'd like to.

Oh, I hope your wrong about the next generation. I spend time with college students and it is getting more difficult to reach them. Don't worry about the book. Your stories from your teenage years would be the best. I noticed one thing about the next generation is that they love stories. They are thirsty for stories but Hollywood gives them crap and they don't eat it up. That's broken so they look to games. The best games have a story. I'm tempted to say that they are not as shallow as they seem.

howdy back @mineopoly..I sure hope you're right and you are around kids alot more than I am, I almost never see any come to think of it. ha


Good night friend

Why isn't this taught in school? All I can say is Wow. I had no idea about any of this. I'm looking forward to what they ate. I hope it's better than what they drank!

lol! that's a good one Squirrelbait, I might have to steal that!
Yeah I'd love to read more about that cowboy's journal but it's in a book and I didn't want to wait until I got it.
hey did you do a post today?

Yup, I posted a video I had on my YouTube channel. This was the last one I hadn't moved over. Now all my platforms are caught up. So, now I will post to them all at once. I am working writing some articles/posts as well so I can have more activity and info on Steemit in addition to the videos.

howdy this evenin @squirrelbait! what's the game plan for steemit, are you trying to increase your following and friendships?

Followers and friends might happen :) I enjoy that but I really just decided, with your encouragement, to use the Blog aspect of Steemit. Well, I'll give it a try anyway. I'm not planning on doing a lot. Videos are very time consuming. There are a few things that I wouldn't do as a video that this platform would be perfect for. Who knows, I might change my mind and stick to the videos. My channels will grow slowly over time and the content is on the web forever. People will find it all eventually. I just focus on doing my thing. The rest will come in due time. In other words, no real game plan just exploring what I want to do as Steemit is different than my video channels. It's much more engaging.

Well if videos are so time consuming then you might as well do some blogs.
you'll definitely gain friends and followers, especially if you put an emphasis on commenting to get to know people. I know you already are but I mean if you wanted to speed things up. that's pretty funny term to use with Steemit because it's so slow!

Good thing I'm patient eh?

I'm not that patient with Steemit but I have no choice. ha!

So good for us today to have some diary accounts of this life - what a hard life @janton.

yes Ma'm makes me feel very spoiled to be living in our time!

Real men.

Where have they all gone?

howdy @mepatriot! good question, I don't know but I hope they make a comeback.

Well, maybe Trump's China trade war will end soy production, and that will help....lol...

haha! that's a good one man very clever, wish I would have thought that one up.

This is very interesting. I like how they called the cows "beef" - very focused on their purpose. Their lives sound absolutely hellish. It must have been a career of last resort.

howdy there at ginnyannette! Hellish! lol. you're calling the preferred career choice of most Texans hellish! I don't know about you.
I should be severely offended. The truth is it was very much a young man's game except the trail boss and cookie, the chuckwagon cook.
With all the bad stuff that happened the young boys still all wanted to be Drovers in a big cattle drive.
Most thought it would be a grand adventure and the only way they'd be able to get away from home.
But for the Blacks, many of them saw it as their only option unless they wanted to be a servant or do dishes or whatever was the lowest job in the social fabric. but yeah get that beef movin!
thanks so much for commenting!

I guess there always is a percentage of society that is adventure seeking to go along with the ones with no other option. I'd like to hear about the frequency of cowgirls - there, your next project.

howdy back at ya today in gloomy Florida @ginnyannette!
cowgirls?? we don't need no puny cowgirls around here to ruin everything!
lol. well back then there weren't any basically. not doing the work of cowhands anyway and they sure wouldn't have been allowed on the trail drives and wouldn't have wanted to anyways because they're always alot smarter than the men.
I will try to find something on them though, but I don't know how much I'll find. might find enough for a post who knows?

Very interesting article with quality pictures. Good to see that the history has been kept alive p.s we and our coming generations can still know how people before us used to live,do business and survive.

howdy again @hananali! are you telling me that you young kids are willing to learn from previous generations or do they think they know it all?

At times I see a different kind of @janton lol
I meant, we as in us all and the generations coming after us would love to know how People used to live in Past and learn out of it. There is always some sort of a knowledge in whatever we come across , isn't it?

well sir that would be ideal but from what I've seen of the younger generation they don't want to learn from us older ones, they can look anything up online. but they lack wisdom and character. of course I'm speaking in broad, general terms.

Just like we talk about food at that other post, Wisdom and character can also not be downloaded out of internet. Those are things which we need to learn by ourselves or by looking up at our older ones or at our previous generations who have spent their lives, they are supposed to have more experience of life of course. Experience can not be downloaded either :D

hananali! yes, I should have said EXPERIENCE instead of wisdom, although I am not as convinced as you that wisdom can be attained online, it is usually a RESULT of experience. Your culture probably has more respect for older generations, which is the way it should be. But in this country I don't think so, the youth are very arrogant and won't listen to any older, wiser people.

Survived a lightning strike! This history is fascinating. I love the old photos

thank you @buckaroo! yes I find it so interesting as well. I've been on this Cowboy series for five days now beginning with the Black Cowboys and those are my favorite photos, took forever to find good ones! most people don't even know that there WERE any Black cowboys so that was fun.

Sounds fun. I didn't know that either

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