Anthill, ants, hard workers, lazy people and a fair society

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago


Nature is smarter than us. Life on the planet is arranged in such a way that everything is harmonious. I drew attention to the anthill. Watching the work of ants, I caught myself thinking that nature sends us a lot of clues that we do not pay attention to.

Anthill and ants


An anthill is a big house for a large family of ants. It has a lot of floors. There are separate sections for eggs (offspring) and so on. These large ant houses are located in a wide variety of places. They can be built both in people's gardens and in the field, among grasses or cultivated plants. They are often found in forests, parks and forest belts.

Ants are the inhabitants of those very anthills. We must take a closer look at these insects. So, ants are social insects. That is, they have developed a social way of life. In our time, their lives and behavior are studied by sociobiologists.
Yes, three castes can be distinguished among the society of ants. These are: females, males and the working class. Everyone is doing their own thing. They do not evade, do not skip, do not hoose and do not try to deceive their "compatriots". Just look at the moving society!

Nature shows us how to live


First of all, we must understand that only through harmony can a real, just society be created. Ants go about their business. They do not know fatigue. They work daily.

In the anthill, everything is painted and laid out on the shelves. That is, everyone does what nature prescribes to him. A single individual slowly but purposefully moves towards its goal.

There is no division between castes. That is, nature shows how humanity should live. Do not quarrel and swear. Don't be shy and don't shy away from work. I have looked and read a lot of material about ants. So far I have not seen any mention of parasitic ants. Although…

Are there parasites among the ants?


Anna Dornhaus (Professor at the University of Arizona) assures that such individuals are present. At the same time, scientists have proven that "lazy people" can become workaholics at any moment. That is, it is a kind of labor reserves. In the event of a crisis of workers, or a lack of food, those same lazy people come to the rescue. If a hard worker dies, those who are in the reserve immediately come to his place. They can also extract food from their large tummies and feed those who have a difficult life situation. So it turns out that there is no ballast in the anthill. There are no those who interfere with the life of society.


Still, whatever one may say, by watching ants, we can model a society that will not only be fair, but also balanced. All the peaceful sky above your head!


A kind of swarm intelligence...? Or simply back to instincts?

Eine Art Schwarmintelligenz...? Oder einfach zurück zu den Instinkten?

So to speak. Rather, a group mind and a society without caste distortions. Here everyone is equal and there are no those who want to live at the expense of others.

Ich behaupte weiterhin, dass es weder so etwas gibt wie "Schwarm-Intelligenz" in der Natur, noch gibt es "Instinkt" beim Menschen.

I further maintain that there is no such thing as "swarm intelligence" in nature, nor is there "instinct" in humans.

Die Idee einer Schwarmintelligenz finde ich weiterhin spannend, wenn auch vielleicht nicht wie Frank Schätzing bei Quallen ;-)) Und Instinkt: gibt es. Beim Menschen. Meine ich. Oder denke ich. Und ich glaube es auch ;-))

Die Idee klingt spannend.
Aber soweit es um Naturwissenschaft geht und nicht um Esoterik, sollte sie empirisch untersucht werden (von der Operationalisierung der Kriterien bis hin zu geeigneten Methoden oder Experimenten).
Dass ein Schwarm ein Verhalten zeigt, das aussieht wie eine zentrale Lenkung oder eine verteilte "Intelligenz", das allein reicht mir nicht.
Obwohl es eine hübsche Metapher bleibt und eine spannende Frage.
(Instinkte beim Menschen dito.)

Sustainability is our greatest hope.♻🤲

I agree. A person must understand the hints that nature makes to us.

All creatures big🐘 and small.🐹

Every creature is part of nature

Sounds like the beginning of a poem.

Everything can be =) but, unfortunately, I don’t write poetry =)

Ein nettes Gedankenspiel mit interessanten und wichtigen Anregungen.
Es auf menschliches Sozialverhalten zu übertragen, erfordert aber noch viel Detail-Arbeit, denke ich.


A nice thought experiment with interesting and important suggestions.
Transferring it to human social behaviour, however, still requires a lot of detailed work, I think.

I will try to make a connection in philosophical and psychological terms.

Wow! Good luck!
I'm very curious about that!

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