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RE: 2019 Pepper Season - Part 3

in #homesteaders5 years ago

Keep up the good work man. Peppers aren't the simplest crop!
I haven't started any here yet. So rainy, so cool. Maybe it'll be a hot summer, even if it's not a long one? I'll probably germinated a few pepper seeds soon. Tomatoes are coming along nicely, and the basil's up, so might as well! :)
Happy growing!


Thanks. Yeah the really hot varieties can be stubborn for sure. Ive even used aquarium fertilizer salt to start them in the past which i read a few years back is one of the best ways to get the hard ones going.
What kind of varieties of peppers are you growing this year?

I think I'll do a classic bell and a few jalapenos, nothing too exotic. Patio container gardening isn't my main area of experience, but I'm getting the hang of it.

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