The Coming Ice Age - are you prepared?

in #iceage6 years ago

The coming ice age The ice age that we are now living in.

First, everything you have been told about ice ages is pretty much false.
Second, it is not man made. Man had nothing to do with it. IT IS NOT ABOUT CO2 !

I bring up this issue because i know very few people who are actually preparing for the ice age we are now entering. And it is really important for you to make emergency preparations if you are going to survive the month long snow storms that are coming.

Back in the 50s, all the scientists were concerned about the coming ice age, but that faded from the reporting world. Then came "Global Warming", which was a political move to gain as much tax money as possible by snowing the masses.

And the biggest problem is, that everyone thinks that an ice age is something that it is not.
Everyone thinks that is a cold time, with glaciers and snow.
However, glaciers and snow do not happen when it is cold.
Look at Antarctica! Something like 3" of snow per year. It is the driest place on earth. (or was)
How in the world do glaciers form and keep growing so that they can take over great areas of the north, carving all those things that are said to have carved?

Well, the thing that happens at the beginning of the ice age is that it gets hot.
Further, all the volcanoes go active. (there is volcanic dust found in every layer of ice)
And the earth starts getting bombarded with much more intense UV rays.

This causes lots of water to get put into the atmosphere.
And then, when the temperatures plummet, it all gets turned into ice and snow (storms).

This is not a man made event. This is a cyclic event caused by the alignment of planets (those big gas giants all being on the same side of the sun as us, making our orbit a little larger). From a Buddhist perspective, it is the earth breathing.

The oceans aren't going to rise, they are going to fall, as much water is put into the atmosphere. Even with all the volcanoes that are erupting in Antarctica melting the ice.

We have also entered a new area of space, and that is drastically changing the temperature of the sun (which isn't anything like they told you in the science books)

Anyway, be prepared for hotter summers and colder winters. To be followed by colder summers and even colder winters.

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Currently we heat many homes by electricity. And most of the power wires are above ground, and are affected by snow. And every snow storm knocks a few of them down. Electricians run out and fix them as soon as the weather clears.

But, soon, instead of a week long snow storm, there will be month long snow storms, and we just do not have the technology to go fixing these wires during the middle of the storm. So, expect to hear of (and experience) month long power outages.

If you are not in the far south, get a wood burning stove and a pile of firewood.

It will save your life.

I also suggest getting a greenhouse. Your food is going to have to be grown indoors, IN SPRING

An earth sheltered greenhouse would be even better. Here is an article i wrote about building one: Earth-Sheltered Solar Greenhouse, Year Around Food out of Recycled Materials

The growing season is going to become much shorter. Expect snow to be on the ground still when normally you would be planting. This shorter growing season is also going to affect our ability to buy food, as many crops that we rely upon today fail.

All the preppers where correct. Get prepared, but not for the end of the economy as we know it, although that is proceeding at pace, but because life is about to get a lot harsher all around.

However, this also means that the oceans will be restocked with fish, and the air will be cleansed. (that is why the ice age cycle exists)

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All images in this post are my own original creations.


i believe it man, the whole global warming thing i grew up with is a lie

When you have Al Gore lying in a movie, you know something is up.
But damn, it sounded real convincing until you actually dug into the research.
... and then the emails about climate fraud came out

More lies. Piled higher and deeper.
More taxes... being paid to a non-government-entity.
Just bad.

I've been waiting for this. I've been reading about the comming long winter since I started researching human caused climate change, carbon credit scam.

Well, its not going to be all winter, but the summers are going to seem much shorter.
I hope that humanity will be better for it, as people seem to pull together in hard times.
But, we in america are so unprepared for this. (The US, home of the carbon credit scam)

The countries that have bought into the human-caused warming trend are not ready. But many of us who have been prepared for natural disasters or loss of our energy grids from war or terrorism are ready. I don't know if American's can pull together, politics have torn us apart and we don't know how to work together anymore. During the Great Depression, my Grandma's time people were rural and self-sufficient. Our Elders survived hardship now most of us including my self-are soft, dependent whiny brats. But I have skills my Grandma taught me so I may be weak and whiny but I know how to grow and preserve my food and survive frigid winters...

Ingrownd pools make great greenhouses. I'm thinking of making a biomass generator too.

I thought the winters would become longer and snow and ice won't have time to melt and build up large snow-packs. I guess you would call this a mini ice age.

Great to see someone posting accurate research on this in a sea of global warming/climate change bullshit, even here on Steemit

How soon is soon?

We are already in the start of it.
Volcanoes erupting? check.
Hotter summers, colder winters? check.
Suns temperature changing to allow more UVs? check.

interesting take on the possibility of an Ice Age among us. I, however, do not yhink there will be much of a change during my lifetime, or the next generation. Possibly past then. That is when the real prepping should start.

Certainly what is happening here in New Zealand, or at least our part of it, lines up with that. It rained for 18 months solid from the start of winter 2016 to the end of winter 2017. Then we had the hottest summer we've had in a long time. And now winter has come early and looks like it's going to be a cold one. Luckily we're close to the sea so hopefully won't see snow. In the 30+ years I've lived in this area, we've seen snow maybe twice and it doesn't stay on the ground long. Fingers crossed.

I would still get a wood burning stove... but i do not know much about the wood supply in NZ.
Maybe its more apropos to get a larger propane tank.
I imagine in your area you will start seeing snow regularly during the winter.

A thing about New Zealand is that all our power comes from hydro and we have more power than we need

There are dozens of big dams built over the past 100 years, and the rainfall is high (Land of the long white cloud)

As long as the rivers do not freeze. Canada will be in for some real hurt. They have lots of hydro power, and haven't had the rivers freeze like they will when we get fully into the ice age.

I do not know how NZ is going to be effected by the colder winters. What with the deepest water filled holes all around the place, and the currents that sweep past it.

Snow is very rare in most places here because we all live on the coast

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