Mail Call ---> With @PlushZilla, @IrvinesImages, @ApolyMask, & @IFC!!!

in #ifc6 years ago (edited)

Gift From @PlushZilla

Photo taken by @eaglespirit

This post is dedicated to a bunch of amazing people I met @ifc, a group initiated by @apolymask.

You may have seen some of my entries for this amazing contest-group and the wonderful people I have met in this group include: @apolymask, @irvinesimages ("dad"), @plushzilla, @charisma777, @iexplore, @kryptocek, @youhavewings, @artgirl, @bernardsparrow, @bengy, @leonis, @simplymike, @jbreheny, @magicalmoonlight and many others. Sorry if I forgot anyone’s name.

Photo taken by @eaglespirit

In particular this post is most lovingly sent out to @PlushZilla for gifting me his reward of @irvinesimages for a contest round that we had to promote Irvine's photography. During a comment "battle" @apolymask mentioned how "if" Plush wanted to stay anonymous that he would like to nominate @kryptocek or myself for the gifts. Of course, I swooped on that and started commenting like a fiend and stating I would prove myself most thankful. Although, I think I was asking Plush to send me his reward before that exchange. I tnd to ask, just in case.

Photo taken by @eaglespirit

The opening of this box may seem a bit dramatic, but this how we do in one of my other groups @steemsilvergold when we receive gifts. It is a form of excitement whenever we get a gift, probably most people love gifts. This one is very special to me.

Photo taken by @eaglespirit

When I opened the box and saw this sweet card I teared up and couldn't believe the loveliness. (I'm hoping Plush is still okay with giving me his win!) I just stared at this photo for an hour and I'm still enjoying how the moon is captured on my Hopi ancient lands.

Photo taken by @eaglespirit

After reading @irvinesimages note to me, who wouldn't tear up some more? I'm only human, not really an eagle ya know. Okay, only part eagle!

Photo taken by @eaglespirit

This card is super special and I will cherish it always. But that wasn't all that he sent me. Check this out ...

Photo taken by @eaglespirit

He has his own DVD, now this is classy stuff and I'm sure he would love to send you one. Although, I'm not sure how much he charges for it. Whatever the case may be, if you are interested in amazing landscape photography, especially of the Southwest area of Sedona please contact @irvinesimages.

Photo taken by @eaglespirit

The grand prize is this exhilarating shot placed on metal, and I had never seen anything like this in my life. Apparently, it is the "in" thing but I must have missed the memo. This photo is breathtaking and I am so lucky to have been gifted this by both @plushzilla and @irvinesimages. I thank you both so very much!

Photo taken by @eaglespirit

The signed signature of the artist is etched into the metal and that is what makes this piece even more special. I did happen to tear up when I saw these amazing gifts, but I was having a bad hair day and skipped those photos. Instead, here you have me smiling big for all of you in pure gratitude.

Photo on 2018-07-05 at 19.37 #2.jpg
Photo taken by @eaglespirit

I haven't forgotten my return gift Plush, as soon as we either are finished with the IFC Championship or figure out the proper day and time we will definitely make this happen. You are my angel and I am so thankful for your kindness.

For anyone looking for a great group of people, come check us out @ifc but only if you are a cool person, brilliant, creative, kind, giving, etc. Okay, okay no pressure. Peace!

ES logo.png

Thank you for stopping by to read my blog. I’m a First Nation member of the Hopi & Apache Native American tribes, Medicine woman in-training, first time blogger since November 2017, (right here on Steemit), paralegal, researcher, and writer based in the Mountains of Colorado, USA. I work closely with fellow planktons and minnows in a few groups by helping them adjust to Steemit and curate quality content. I’m especially interested in finding others who love natural medicine originating from ancient practices, gold and silver, energy work, and the spirit world. Additionally, I'm the creator of #MedicineCardMonday, so if you are interested in receiving a Native American blessing stop by my blog every Monday, or just say hello!
See you soon, @eaglespirit

Original by @yeszuzia and modified by @charisma777


What an amazing landscape! And I have developed even more respect for @irvinesimages as an artist and professional who cares deeply about his work and the land where he draws inspirations from.

Of course, this is all possible because of @apolymask and the wonderful people of the @ifc. I feel truly grateful to be part of this great community!

@plushzilla isn't it? thank you again my friend and i hope you are well. i can't wait to see what will happen with you and Bengy too. i'm biting my nails in anticipation. hehe

It sure is. And this fight between @bengy and I will be to the death!

I hope that @dreemsteem will not be too upset if one of us doesn't make it :D

She will indeed!!!!!

Right before the final death blow - I will beg the Emperor to intervene!!!!

Steemit will not go on without BOTH of you. I forbid it!

@plushzilla bwahaah OMGggg "to the death". well i think i saw that you conceded? wahhhh
why dreemsteem? she's the booty girl LOL

Glad to see it got there and you appreciate it! :) The picture of you smiling is great! And I bet you'll find somewhere cool to put them in your new place! And one day perhaps get some shots of your own in person in Sedona! I saw that one of the rose you did, that I think won a contest? That was a really nice shot! I bet you'd have fun taking some pictures around here! The movie is actually out there for free on YouTube if anyone wants to check it out, they can pay for a copy if they want, but.. I think it's better resolution and quality on the DVD or Blu ray or whatever it is than on YouTube. It's a beautiful film in my opinion. Hope you like it! And I'll try to make sure my dad finds this post if he doesn't find it himself cause I think it was a thoughtful post and he would like to see and read this as well! Oh and also thanks for mentioning the IFC as well! Cheers friend. :D

@apolymask yes yes yes, i'm so very happy! yes they will look amazing in a new spot for sure. very good luck! :)
i would love to learn from your dad, he's giving me pointers here and there. hehe
yes i wont that contest with the rose. woo hoo.

i'll let ppl know they can get it for free on YT they'd like that a lot.

i do hope he sees it and i hope more people go to his blog and ifc!

cheers my friend :)

How beautiful and how cool! Congratulations!

Christmas came early this year!

These are beautiful gifts!!!! It's lovely to hear your touching words about them too!!!! Isn't it so special when we get gift from the Steemians who take the time to make it a wonderful experience? :)

beautiful gifts!!!

@dreemsteem oh thank you so much, they were earned for sure. we had to work hard and get chosen for the win. Plush won bc the judges voted him in as the winner. :)
we all made a post for the image creator to advertise his amazing talent.
yes yes yesss re gifts from fellow steemians. yay
thank you!!

This is so awesome! As much as I am jealous that you got this beauty I couldn't be happier it ended up in anyone else's arms but yours! Awesome shots and I hope you find a place for it :)

@kryptocek no no no don't be jealous :(
i'm so thankful that you are kind enough to say that .. tysm!! yay the shots! woo hooo

Maybe jealous wasn't the right word hehe! Either way I'm glad it's in your hands!

@kryptocek oh good good good, i can't ever see you as jealous. ever.
thank you so very much and yay Hawaii! i still need to hear all you both did. woo hoo
i can't even imagine the flight time ... ugh!!!

Its so nice to see your happy enjoyment from this experience. I hope you will have many more of these pleasant events in your future @eaglespirit.
Michael Irvine

@irvinesimages oh yes definitely happy and these will look amazing in my new apartment. woo hoo! :)
you are so kind and this shines in all you do. blessings, eagle spirit

The only reaction I can think of:


LMAO!! is that your real face? ROTFLMAO

Nah, it's a Twitch emote.

@enforcer48 twitch, nice. i have yet to use that app. hehe

It is the place to be for a lot of your gaming needs.

Wow that's nice. Haha. Looks good. 👍

Posted using Partiko Android

What wonderful gifts @eaglespirit. I can see why you teared up. What a lovely surprise for you! 😍

@gillianpearce hey thank you so much GP! yes these are lovely lovely images and gifts.

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