
Hello, @dunsky. I didn't reply right away, because your post has a very interesting idea in it. Rushing something over isn’t the way I do things, that’s why it took me some time to wrap my mind around, and just structure everything out in my head. But, we’ll get to it later.


To tell you the truth, @dunsky, I am little bit disappointed, because your first post from this mini-series spoiled out right everything that what supposed to be in your upcoming articles. What do I mean?! Post №1 from the get-go has a picture of three credit cards: one is lying in the middle, and two others are sticking out from beneath of it. We can clearly see that the bottom left has a silhouette of a guitar in it, and the bottom right has long flowing hair, which, I was 100% sure, belongs to a girl. That’s why, when I opened this article I knew, what I would see in it, and, unfortunately, there was no “Wow!” effect for me. I know that you didn’t mean to do it: it probably happened inadvertently. And also I might be guilty as well, because I have a sharp attention to details. What I’m trying to say is, for me reading your blog is such a unique experience. It’s like opening a present every single day. That’s why I really don’t want to waste any emotion and don’t want to know, what's inside, until I open it, even if it might be different from post to post.

The Good.

  • I like the general idea of the project: people are having a very good time outdoors in the park. And you really don’t need to add anything else. Illustrations simply speak for themselves. The only thing I wish is, that there were four designs devoted to every season of the year instead of three.
  • I like the second credit card design the most, because the couple seems to be so adorable and relaxed. From theirs look I can tell, that they are enjoying every single second of the summer. Also I like the fact you added small details, like a bird and branches, to the final variant. Unlike the previous sketches it definitely looks more vibrant.
  • You say: " … I am looking on this work seeing a lot of things I would like to change." I totally disagree with you on this one. Because when I look at this credit card, it seems complete and perfect for me. I tried to imagine, how you can improve it, but came up with zero ideas. I am nowhere near as creative and as experienced in illustrating things as you are, but I think that you shouldn’t change anything in the first and in the second illustration. They are as good as they can be. It’s just my opinion from a consumer standpoint. And I am sure, that many of your reader would definitely love to have these in theirs wallets.

To perfect The Perfection.

I totally support you on the idea of improving your old projects. Being a perfectionist freak myself, I know, that there is always room for improvement and a second opinion on the subject. However, the problem is, your portfolio, from the customers standpoint, doesn’t have many things to improve. What I would suggest, is that you take on projects you feel you can completely redo the way you wanted it to be in the first place and not the way you were forced to do it. Vivid example from this post: you have absolutely fantastic sketch of a girl warming her hands in the winter park. Why not illustrate her, instead of trying to add small details to already finished ones? I am sure, that making her a fiery ginger and adding two pony-tails sticking from her hat would look absolutely bombastic on an icy background.

I can go on, but I will probably finish here. I don't want to overwhelm you with my writing and myself. Have a nice day @dunsky. 🖖🤓

waw.... that it's amazing bro. i like this art. maybe you can drawing my face like that . haha

Sure, you can hire me. But it's not cheap. We can discuss in telegram or by email.

Thanks a lot!

I can't help but be amazed by every post of yours! This one is so cool! If only all cards were as fun as this. Not just cards; currency, passports, ids. In India, we had a huge demonetisation drive and I don't know who designed the new currency notes but I absolutely detest them. If only they would ask you to redesign them!

In Russia we have some new money papers as well with terrible designs. If I will redesign them then whole money will look like cartoon papers meaning nothing so people will spend them too easy :)

Haha, do you think that is the motivation behind the card company in this post? To make people swipe their cards more? Never seen Russian currency. I'll go look it up.

Great piece of contemporary art. Glad to have found you through the abbundance of posts.

Давно себе собираюсь разработать индивидуальный дизайн для карты, но Сбер

Переходи на Рокетбанк :) пользуюсь уже больше двух лет, одни только плюсы. Единственное, там тоже свой дизайн карты нельзя пока делать. А так всё бесплатно, сама карта, обслуживание, тариф - 0 р. Кэшбек с покупок и проценты на остаток, они очень крутые.

I continue to enjoy your post

nic efriend

Yes, very nic

I was just flicking through my steemit stream and when I saw this, I was compelled to click.

Your art work is great and I love that a big bank would go with real human looking designs like this for one of their cards.

Keep up the great work!

Thanks a lot! Glad you like it!

You know, now that we're all using chips, I had been wondering when designs for cards would go portrait mode, yours look great in either direction so well done!

Yeah, but that card number and other info is still aligned horizontally. But would be nice to have vertical cards for me too. Thank you :)

No problem!

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