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RE: If a white man says you stink is it racist?

in #informationwar6 years ago

to preface this, I was not there and we have only part of the story but if this is an accurate retelling of the story the discrimination suit is justified

the "white guy" was in a seat not assigned to him (this alone is enough reason to be removed from a flight if you refuse to move)
then he was blocking an aisle and ignoring this lady asking to get by which is very rude

like I said it's an if and it's a big if, but if the retelling of the situation is accurate it was discriminatory to remove her rather then him.


what has it got to do with race?

are you legit confused about that?
you do understand, I would hope, that if you only permit discrimination to be if the perpetrator is a slavering racist screaming racial slurs you will not get anywhere right? I mean you have to look at evidence not just hope someone comes in and confesses.....

anyway even if it isn't racial it is wrong and must be challenged. (again assuming the statements as put forth are true)

Stink is not a race. The only reason racism is alleged here is because the guy complaining was white, the only real racists are those making the claims of discrimination on that basis.

you simply are wrong
no matter how hard you strawman the fact remains it isn't JUST about him saying she stank. HE was in HER seat and refused to give it up when the crew asked him to, THAT alone is reason enough to be ejected from a flight. and yet he wasn't, she was

you seem to not have read the article

I read the part where only her lawyer says that happened and no one confirms her story. If that really happened then he would have been ejected, anyhow what has it got to do with race?
Essentially they are premising their case on an argument that black people smell because they are black and if you complain about someone stinking who happens to be black and you are white then that is racist. The only people who have demonstrated actual racism here are the complainants.

you can't use the argument that because we don't have the full story the part we have is obviously untrue. that is simply what you WANT to be the case.
the fact is you have already made up your mind about a situation you were not there for and the reasoning of people you do not know....that simply isn't possible.
see what happens if it goes to court and people have to testify under oath. or better yet see what happens when the airline settles out of court.....

when the airline settles out of court we will never find out the actual facts of the case, them settling out of court is not an admission of guilt. I have only the story to go on, what evidence besides the white guy being white and the black woman being black is there of any racial discrimination here?

right because airlines LOVE giving money to people who don't have them over a barrel.

I've highlighted in detail the reasoning which was initially laid out in the article if you are unable or unwilling to follow it after two attempts you could always hold out and hope the third will be the charm but I don't have a lot of hope in your case.
you keep acting like some small child asking why instead of hearing reasoning and considering how it could look. you fail to understand no one has to convince YOU for it to actually be discrimination, you have a VERY exaggerated self worth.
you know deep down that you have no leg to stand on because you keep pushing forward with the strawman argument that the "racism" is based on saying she smelled bad when in fact the discriminatory aspect was asking her to leave when he had a problem with her even tho he was allegedly the one causing issues to begin with.

however I can handle that weak ass strawman stuff as well, because some cultures do not use deodorant and discriminating against someone based on their culture is.......DISCRIMINATION
oh no, what to do? even your strawman argument didn't save you.

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