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RE: Oh my gosh...I agree with liberals on this too...even the vigilantism of it all!

There is really a LOT of common ground with liberals, for me. Sadly, I cannot get them to FOCUS on it. I can open with "We really need to clean up our food supply" and it takes about three sentences before it turns ugly... Vegans simply cannot seem to grasp the notion of "agree to disagree" or "you do you" or even "love the sinner, hate the sin." I try to explain that I am a very unusual prepper, I am prepared to feed hundreds to thousands of people if there is a REAL disaster. Not with dry and canned food, with my farm. We are going to have to raise animals, that is the ONLY food that I can grow here by the ton. To pretend that a vegan will survive a volcanic winter or mini ice age is almost funny... but I have NEVER gotten that far with a vegan. They call me a murderer and start riding their high horse around in circular arguments...
I actually saw AOC in Congress, and she was not being crazy or stupid. The youtuber was trying to make her out as crazy and stupid, and Lord knows she dishes out plenty of crazy and stupid, but she was asking why the taxpayers who fund nearly ALL first stage pharma research never get a dividend on the final product. It is a damn good question... but the conservative youtuber just wants the clicks that come for calling her crazy.
Yeah, there is a LOT of middle ground, but it is a mesa with slippery slopes all the way around it...


It's like concentric circles in my mind. We overlap on a few libertarian-sounding issues, but are so drastically different on others that it's hard to even work with them on matters we agree on.

We (my conservative friends in Maine) did that with them a few years ago on "REAL ID," and Maine was actually a resistor state until the feds rammed their crap down our weak-kneed legislators' throats and told them we wouldn't be able to fly or enter federal buildings without their "mark of the beast."

But that was rare, and they won't (so far) even reply to me about helping out against the new mandatory vax bill here.

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