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RE: If Faux News is truly "conservative," why are they STILL calling America a "democracy" all the time...

Faux News was compromised several years ago. It's globalist controlled now. They are used to reveal intent and programs so the cosmic laws are satisfied. We can't say we didn't know and by complying we give consent. That's why I get info from them though I usually have to scroll down a ways to find it. It's not "their fault" people didn't read the article. The TV version of the program, I don't watch but I imagine they stick to the narratives and don't bring attention to the real info provided online.

We are a republic but if they admit that then we will remember our "voice" is through our representatives and might actually hold them accountable when they represent their own political interests instead of the interest of their constituents.


I agree with all the sentiment in your excellent reply, however, I do not think Faux News was EVER trustworthy, and then "got turned" as you seem to suggest.

Knowing what we know now, you could be right. Just follow the chain of ownership/follow the money. I'm one of the people who believed Fox News was the last news source for the people. I honestly thought they were "real" . Can I be snowed and deceived? Absolutely!! I am not 100% immune. You could very well be right. Good thing we all know better now! The guiding light these days seems to be "It wouldn't be on TV if it wasn't part of the "program".

PS: Get to know me opportunity....I allow people to disagree with me. It's part of free speech and individuality. Never be afraid to tell me you think I'm wrong or full of shit. It takes ALOT for me to be offended. 😎

LOL...I'm just basing it on what I know about Murdoch, and his family.

Thanks to info sharing online we are all getting wiser about who is who. I am so much more informed today than I was just a few years ago thanks to other people researching and paying attention not just me on my own. My first info "go to" was Anonymous. They were soooo good back in the day. I learned so much from them.

I haven't researched Murdoch. Sadly, sounds like I should have. I researched Mercer who is Trump's "backer". I think his daughter Rebekah is a baphomet tribute if you know what I mean. "Republican" does not mean good guy.

howdy tonight squirrelbait! does that go for me too (the ps) or just mepatriot? lol.

But you never disagree with me! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Howdy there partner. You already know me well enough so you already know not to fear offending me.

By the way, I'm roasting a turkey breast, hanging with my hubby, listening to a live discussion on YouTube ( The Prepared Mind), monitoring the election results on another browser, and answering replies on Steemit. Oh, and watching an episode of Farscape on the DVD. I'm insanely multi-tasking.

no way! no one can do all that at the same time! well do you know who smith labs is?

hey it's true that I never disagree with you! lol. but now I don't have to worry about it if I do. man..some people on here get SO pissy if you disagree! lol.

Yup. I follow and interact with Smith Labs too.

I tend to do many things at once. I usually have 4 things or so going on the computer at the same time. I have to admit, I have a bit too much going on right now. The Live stream on YouTube is getting really good now. They've been drinking for 2 and a half hours. Drunk vets are a riot! Especially when they're talking politics.

ahaha! that sounds quite entertaining. well what is happening in ...where you guys at, Iowa? is it conservative or are the dems taking everything this cycle?

Yup. I'm in Iowa. Look like our Governor will be a Dem. Representatives will be Dems too. So far. Wow!

You guys are staying red it looks it should be for Texas.

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