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RE: Push Back Against The VOP


These guys need lawyers, guns, and money, but at least lawyers who can file suits against corrupt agencies and parties that are profiting covertly from human trafficking and covering it up when it's exposed.

Trafficking requires participation at both endpoints by corrupt persons. It must be expected that collusion by corrupt government officials is occurring. It has to be. Therefore they need to factor that into their investigations, which they have done to a limited extent by meticulously documenting what they find.

They need to also create a need for those agencies to offer up sacrificial agents by inserting suits into the courts, where bulldozers can't conceal evidence. As sad as it is, going to court produces a document trail of words that can be read by anyone literate, and create an informed public that can compel corrupt agencies to at least sacrifice some of their own.

It's time to take our nation, our kids, and our laws into our hands, because we own them. They're not some faceless, bloodless corporation's. They're ours, and we have the ultimate responsibility to enforce them, and the authority that comes with responsibility.



I'm afraid for these guys. They need back up too, from people that are known. Craig Sawyer and his merry band are self-promoters... I'm not saying they're bad, I'm just saying they won't get involved unless they can take all the credit. Oathkeepers are supposed to be getting involved, but I'm not holding my breath- although they're the only ones with enough juice to save the VOP.

VOP are all guys that have fallen through the cracks and having spent my entire life there I can tell you what happens to people who try to crawl out... there's an army waiting to stomp you back down again. When I was in college the CFR tried to recruit me- they offered to pick up my tab for school all the way through my PhD (any place I chose to go). I told them to go fuck themselves... my soul is not for sale, neither is my integrity. There's a storm brewing against the VOP and many in the truth movement are distancing themselves or turning on them already. I will not!!! In fact I'm sending 20 cases of water to the address in the video. Watch to see who turns on them- that will tell you who in the truth movement is in it for the money and fame!

My experience bears yours out completely.

There is no doubt that propagandists and disinfo agents are doing their best to infiltrate and confuse us.

You shall know them by their fruits.


I can confirm you are correct about the army that stomps you back down. The being kicked while down experience is what solidified my decision to expatriate.

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