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RE: A Poste-Post Reverse Collaborational Post with @enternamehere ~ An Urban Tessellation (Wannabe) Find ~ Original Artwork by @enternamehere ( and unknown street artist) ~ Original Photography and Short Discussion by @ddschteinn ~

I always think of mc escher when I think of artistic tessalations, he seemed to be a savant at them. I like that you are seeing art in the ordinary, as they say. And by the act of capturing the image and dissecting it's meaning for us YOU have made it art, so there you go a wonderful art post.

I think there is also a term for when we view something, it's in our mind, then we see it everywhere, but I forget what that is called, although I do have vast knowledge at my fingertips to merely type in and ask, I just can't be bothered :) I'll blame it on my swollen painful toe.

I feel I am still trying to play catch up with everyone. Simply being absent for two days and how quickly I feel alone on the dock whilst the cheering throng sail away out to a happy sea.

I'm hoping we are going to be seeing more 'schteinn-elations' soon? Be careful biking and looking at signs and not the road, that might be a very different picture if you aren't careful.


I too, am way behind. Trying to finish up Sublime Sunday on a Monday. Sigh. I read about your toe. Sorry to hear about your mishap. What did you do? Those DO hurt so, and not much you can do but suffer and try not to complain and hobble about. Such necessary appendi, but hard to deal with when cracked up. But you SHOULD be able to get some good W.A. sympathy and lot's of 'hand and foot' service for as long as possible. At least till he goes off to work, anyway. Guess that's over about now. Double sigh.
I am on the lookout for more 'Schteinn-elations' [ ( : ] whenever I ride. As you say, looking at the sign might cause me to run INTO the sign. So I am careful, as usual. That and so many nutters on their phones out and about, doing just about everything BUT paying attention to driving the car. Keeps it really challenging at times.

I've always loved Escher. Just never put 2 and 2 together and realized they were tessellations, when I saw @enternamehere's artworks, and all. I never realized there was so much math involved either. Isn't the world a most amazing place?!
Love your visual of the dock and life heading out to sea. Cracked me up, as usuale'. Well, have a nice, stub-toe free day. Hope you are on the mend. Do you have them taped together? I played a LOT of basketball, and that seemed to be one of the constants. Either toes or fingers taped together to 'help hold one another up'. I shoulda bought stock in the athletic tape industry.
Cheerio(s) (I'm working on a keen salutation these days. Hard to come up with mush of anything interesting).

EDITORS NOTE: Must be hard to spell 'much' as well...really trippin' up on the hard ones there.
(Such a HARSH editor! -dd)

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