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RE: Looking For A Muse...

in #life5 years ago

"ME". For bags of cookies, I can do anything. Even try to be humorous. Let's see.... did you hear about the secret behind the muse of humor? He starts out with an "A" and ends with an "ING". Yes, I know. Lame.

It can be hard to come up with ideas sometimes though. Often for me, a photo triggers and idea. Then it just takes off. Hence riding around town on the bike, to look for the oddities of life to shoot. I think you do that a lot, with your photos from the beach and yard and all over, then adding your anecdotal humorisms to go along with. For me, the ideas seem to not be the problem from here, it's just they often end up going 'long', and finishing seems to be the hard part. Sigh. (Hence the 25 minute, 5 minute freewrite, etc).
The Freewrite is a great place to start, but there is nothing like talking to another person about what you think/write about, to develop an idea. HH is good for that here, we get to laughing about a Schteinnidea and watch out, it can get a bit nutty. If you are serious about musings, maybe you can find other folks there that like to write humor? Chatting and binging ideas around is the best impetus. Cheers to a not-so-hot day of more photo and written humor.


That's exactly what I'm looking for! All types of conversations that sparks my craziness in different ways. I get inspired easily and quick, I don't really need a muse to be creative but I would like one to exchange ideas and experiences... after all, that's the job of a muse, right?

There really is nothing quite like it. To banter nuttiness around is the best way to expand the...nuttiness. Ideas build on each other so fast when humor is involved. I hope you can find someone to 'bing about with', as I call it. So fun, and productive. There must be some other humormeisters around your neck of the island woods?
And though not the same, writing back and forth on here does do it a bit. For some reason, it adds to the creative humor end of things. It's just not as direct and fast. Plus, folks are often so busy to respond in like time, if that makes sense. How DO we find a muse in the written sphere....?

Hmmm maybe we have to catch them! Maybe those mythical creatures needs a bait... what if I tie a delicious cookie in a long stick and hide to see if a muse pass by and get the cookie? Wait, there's gotta be another way, anyone can eat that cookie... ask HH is muses eat special food! hehehe

Ha haa, I can just see you out there in the bushes, with a stick and a Snickerdoodle on a string. (Good name for a story, I think...) Though something tells me the STICKEE would eat the cookie, sitting in the hot sun and waiting. Just sayin...
I'll ask my muse, but I think I know what she shall say..."did it come from the yard"? I think she's a scavenger muse. Though I'm pretty sure a cookie would do as well. Who DOESN'T want a cookie?!!!!!!!!

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