Some Fearless Rant about LOA: Why Posts about the 'Poor' Trigger People Much

in #life6 years ago (edited)


Come on, you people should admit that you really hate the poor. I know it, it's obvious here, so stop the pretense. It's that one topic that triggers a lot of people especially here in our Steemit third-world society. Now let's take a look at why people don't want to be infected by the misery of minnows, why they become ultra defensive of the kind of life that works or 'might work' for them and all the other pyscho reasons behind the coldness.

For those who have gotten used to my way of writing by now, it means that I write just for the sake of writing. I am not asking for life advice or anything, though I know that some of you mean no harm. I know it's just for engagement and of course, this is the internet. However, picture this, you are walking down the street and someone suddenly approaches you, and tells you to quit your job or change your career because it's better for you? Wouldn't you be annoyed that some random stranger is telling you what to do in your life? Some random character that appears out of nowhere who thinks he really knows everything for sure.

I admit that I am the master of triggering people because I just deliberately write that way. I just love it, sorry. I am @diabolika for a reason, you know? No wonder I don't make new friends. However, I am really happy for the few ones who stay. You guys are real. Now to explain myself, even though I don't need to, my posts are antagonizing enough just so you can wake yourself up from the la la land. Somebody has to slap you with the inconvenient truth from time to time. Somebody has to tell you what you are not hearing every day and what's happening outside your comfortable bubble. The news by the same people is getting old now, don't you think?

It seems that clinging to the basket of dogmatic beliefs is the real curse here. I actually don't really care which political side you're on, it's mentally taxing for me to even care about ideological wars. Hungry people tend to be stupid about such things. I'd rather not belong. Sure, I might not be part of the dominant perspective here on Steemit. I just love to stun people with the harsh realities and shock them to the bone with the truth. Well, just so you know, I've actually lost followers and whale upvotes through this way. I've lost some FB friends by being Me. And guess what? I'm not going to change anytime soon. La la la [covering my ears with both hands and singing like a child]. A D is a B with no apologies. Take it or leave it. I only have one life so I might as well just be Me. Freedom it is.

So, yesterday, I got this comment:

The first thing is not to complain and know deeply what you want. Otherwise, you will always attract the same thing in life!

[Insert aggressive eye roll here]

Honestly, I don't have the courage to comment like this on anyone's post. Or maybe this is just a spam. Despite my innate savagery, I think I still have some manners. For one, I know the basic rule of not telling people what to believe or what to do in their lives, especially those I don't really know personally. Whether offline or online. But yeah, this is the internet. And the world is full of people.

Though this unsolicited advice might mean no harm, it still sounds pretty LOAish to me. Quite obvious actually. Anyway, I'll just take this as an example alright. I'm sure I don't mean any harm either. Let's analyze!

Any hint of the positivity mantra triggers me too, like big time. It only makes me pity those who continue to stagnate in their wonderland. Blue pill working much? Now I've realized why my posts about poverty, or anything uncomfortable trigger people much too. It's not a call to victimhood okay, it's called waking you up to reality however sucky it is bitch. Truth is scary, and the lack of guilt removes empathy. Collect a lot of people who are unempathetic and scared of the truth and the world becomes a real dangerous place for the rest.

Sure, LOA is indeed an attractive thought, I WAS a believer. It's the hope for the hopeless. Better not to rob people of hope. I just think it is a scam on a massive scale. What happens if breathing in positivity doesn't seem to work anymore? Maybe because the idea is plain BS? Oops, sorry. Good for you if it works for you. Just don't push your religion into other people. It just does not work for everyone.

Let me tell you one classic example that you might have all dismissed, what happens if suddenly a group of men riding their horses invade your tribe, stealing your lands and resources straight away, and then slaving your children after? Or what if, these men come to your village during the famine and start giving you gifts, all with a promise of a free and abundant life. The next thing you know, you have nothing left anymore. They got everything from you. And your spirit too. Do you even have a past like that? Because like I said, you tend to become stupid when you are hungry. One of the reasons people out there feel superior to the poor. Their misery is infectious and downright annoying. It just does not get along with your LOA BFF.

Do you really think that these people attracted this unfortunate circumstance into their lives? Did they know what they want? They were all just living peacefully on their own. Like, hello? What is this that you have introduced into their lives? The unfortunate circumstances 'were brought upon them' deliberately, and strategically, leaving them without any choices in life. They escape, they die. They stay, they will forever be under the opportunists. Take it from me. No wonder my perspective doesn't seem to jibe with your societal conditioning. Sure, this is centuries-old but this is still happening to this day, like in a modern way, like economically, through globalization or mass desensitization. The system perpetuates the underdogs and big dogs leaving the majority of people in the world without the freedom to choose. What really makes them stay in that level?

Those who write books like LOA, telling you what to believe and what to do in your life just want to make money off you. Is it really that hard to fathom? It is not rocket science, self-help is a billion dollar industry. It preys on the desperation of people just like in the good old days. They are the men riding their horses ready to invade the suburb near you.

So yesterday, right after ranting about the negative realities of entrepreneurship here, I suddenly got a group who want to book a holiday package. See what I mean? The more I delve into the harsh realities of the world, the more I prepare for doomsday. The more I focus on the solution. Truth hurts but it liberates me. It works for me. So stop feeding me with your positivity mantra. I am not saying that you should think negatively to attract positive things. Just do whatever works for you. Who am I to tell you?

So, the next time you are being so sure of yourself that you want to lift me out of the dirt by telling me what to do in my life or by pushing your beliefs in me, like put on my yoga pants, meditate and wait until everything is okay, I'm just going to say, you really have no idea, do you?

Ignorance is bliss.



I grew up in a poor neighbourhood in a time where our country had legal racial segregation so if you weren't white you're not worth shit! Now that we're all "FREE" everyone just moans and bitches about their rights and what is owed to them. Nothing is owed to you, if you're still poor its because you didn't work hard enough. Learn to feed yourself and wipe your own ass and you'll be a happier more productive human being.

I for one feel that kind of adversity is a gift, I believe that riches and peace take away your ambition and your strength in many cases. Its easier to settle when you're comfortable, but when you have zero the urge to attain something and keep it is much stronger.

I honestly also do not have time for feelings, political ideologies and popular opinion, empathy for your fellow man and all that shit. As long as person can live and earn by the sweat of his own efforts both physically and in thought I don't see what the problem is.

I honestly also do not have time for feelings, political ideologies and popular opinion, empathy for your fellow man and all that shit.

It is quite understandable, the current system turns people into psychos. We now become the monsters we hate.

if you're still poor its because you didn't work hard enough.

An Australianism is apt here :

yeah nah.

we have that in South Africa too! We Say

Ja, nee!


Posted using Partiko iOS

Haha When I started reading this I went to the last post to see what happened then I saw that you quoted it too lol.

The matter of fact tone of that comment was pretty annoying. Like he or she was somehow a pure source of unquestionable truth.

"Those who write books like LOA, telling you what to believe and what to do in your life just want to make money off you."

Yeah I always got the sense that a lot of that type of stuff is a scam. My rule is, if they want money before they tell me the thing that say is going to improve my life, it probably isn't worth paying for lol.

Right?! It's probably getting boring so once in a while, I feel annoyed here lol. When you get this type of post it's sure that something happened haha.

if they want money before they tell me the thing that say is going to improve my life, it probably isn't worth paying for lol.

I admit that I bought some of those books, but I feel like they are all the same. Those haven't improved my life so far lol.

I don't know whether the person who made that comment is religious or not, but it's the same kind of righteous fervour involved. The absolutely certainty that they have life all worked out, and therefore it's their duty to preach to others. It annoys the hell out of me too. Not to mention that these types of people probably haven't faced real hardship, so how the fuck would they know anything about what it's like to be you (us)? I mean, positivity is good, but it has to be realistic AND in small fucking doses.. ;)

I'm relieved that I'm not the only one who feels annoyed by that comment. But I actually thank it that I had a one whole post/rant about it lol. $7 today is good haha.

positivity is good, but it has to be realistic AND in small fucking doses.

So true. I don't like positivity overdose.

LOA is a feel-good cushion on the libertarian meritocratic illusion that life is fair. But life isn't fair.
It's triggering to have the smoke blown away but I hope I can at least learn to enjoy the breeze.
Thanks for another thought provoking post.

I've seen a lot of attempts to make it fair. Not working.

I feel like most people know red pill and blue pill know, some stay assholes so nothing really changes.

some stay assholes so nothing really changes.

That's the problem.

nice story writing,read to love it
thanks @diabolika

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