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RE: Vlog 215: Sticking to my investment plan + Could vote bots explain a high SBD price?

in #life6 years ago

What's the best way to buy/sell SBD on the open market? I'm located in the US and I've been trying to get on Bittrex. For selling, would you just recommend doing so through the options availalbe on Steemit?


Your options are limited. Bittrex is a favorable option with many; but, as noted...doors closed to new accounts.

Many use Poloniex with mixed reviews. Blocktrades is popular with many; but, to buy BTC you have to first get a BTC Wallet, i.e. Coinbase.

OpenLedger is an option; but, until it has more consistent usage (down for maintenance for weeks) I can't recommend this one either.

Truthfully, and I could be wrong; but, you're pretty much locked in to Powering Up, Powering Down; or cashing out SBD for Steem.

I hope this helps.


Thank you! It def helps! It also reaffirms what I’ve been reading on my own.

or cashing out SBD for Steem.

Just clarify, here you mean through the Steemit market or by burning it?

through the Steemit market

Yes, this is what I meant. If you convert the SBD into STEEM it remains at-the-ready as a buy and sell currency.


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.24
TRX 0.12
JST 0.030
BTC 68228.59
ETH 3560.00
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.17