5 Reasons I love Minimalism! + Announcing Minimalism Series

in #life6 years ago

Since minimalism is the single most important factor to me feeling heaps of happiness in my life today I want to start sharing the amazing thing of minimalism, yet with a little 'Mark Twist'. (That's me, I'm Mark, in case you didn't know yet :P).

analog-art-beautiful-963486.jpg {Image Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/green-wooden-chair-on-white-surface-963486/]


I'm going to do a weekly post about minimalism every Tuesday, so if this post is interesting to you, make sure to look out for the next one this Tuesday!


First of all, whenever it comes to one of these 'things' that people are so enthusiastic about, don't over-do it. Think about steemit. Have you tried to tell someone about steemit? And how did they respond? Did they think it's good idea, are they happy for you, or do they think it is bullshit? I also thought minimalism was bullshit, just as vegetarianism and so many other isms. So if this post, or the posts to come are too intense for you, just remember, you don't have to be as extreme in doing something as others, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't do it at all. For instance: I'm not a vegetarian, but I did cut back eating meat to a maximum of once every 2 weeks. And even though this is not as 'good' as eating no meat, it still helps.

Materialism or Extension?

I love minimalism because I haven't limited it to materialistic stuff, which is what most people talk about, yet I have extended it. I will be talking about this way more starting Tuesday, but for now, I will limit this post to materialistic minimalism. (Which means, getting rid of stuff you don't use or need, like in my case, my TV because I watch Netflix on my laptop.

#1 Serenity

The first thing I love about minimalism is that, I have less stuff in my house. Less stuff that I can lose or misplace, less stuff I have to clean, less stuff I have to pay for, and less stuff I have to worry about breaking down. They say a tidy house will result in a clear mind and I honestly believe that, having less and less stuff lying around my living room and kitchen makes me feel extremely relaxed during the day and evening.

#2 Money

Money. Ever since I'm trying to minimalise I have soooo much more money. It is just ridiculous. First of all, I sold stuff I don't use, and second I I don't have any more impulse purchases. You know those, "oh wow that is a cool shirt, let's buy it" purchases that later on you come to regret. I only buy something if I really and truly have a use for it. And this can be a fun or emotional use just as well as a practical use. Basically, I don't spend money on stuff I'm hardly gonna use.

#3 Elegance

Since I now have less stuff, I need less space. Therefore I can live in a smaller house, which in turn of course results in lower rent, but it also feels as though I'm not just living in a gearbox filled with stuff. I have just enough rooms for what I want to do, a bedroom, a kitchen and a living room. I also have an office space and this is just perfect. What's the point of living somewhere with 6 rooms and having all of them filled with stuff? I like the elegance of not taking up more space then needed. In turn the space I do use is empty and calms me down.

#4 Mobility

Okay, I don't move every year, but recently I have moved every 2 years, and simply lugging all that stuff around with me is a massive pain in the neck. By having less stuff, I can simply rent a small trailer and move to another place in a few drives. Whereas before I needed to get a big truck. This makes it easier to move around and makes me feel less tied down.

#5 Footprint

Because of the way I purchase or mainly not purchase items I decrease my organic footprint on earth. Less stuff has to be made, transported and repaired. Again, I use less space to live. I also sell my stuff to other people who then do not need to go out and buy something new. Therefore I'm much more environmentally friendly then I was with my previous lifestyle. I also got rid of my motorbike and car because I simply hardly used them. This also contributes to less parking space being needed outside, and less carbon dioxide, etc etc.


This is just some practical stuff, but minimalism can take you places you cannot even imagine. I honestly feel as if I have been carrying a 20 lbs backpack my whole life and now I set it down on the floor. I feel so light all day, you have no idea. I love feeling this way, and if you want to put down the weight on your shoulders, you should read my next post on Tuesday.

Follow me on steemit! www.steemit.com/@markdeheide for more posts!


Awesome, yes minimalism can be truly transformative! I started my journey with it a few years ago and it's hard to describe how the mindset can change and improve your life!

Thanks @bonniepiesse yeah it is amazing how big of a change it can makes to your life. Whilst it appears to be something so simplistic, and taking something away from you it's actually bringing you some :)

I love mininalism. It lets you see whats truly important.

Yes! :) Away with the clutter!

The do not go to extremes suggestion is key.

Sterile and cold is not healthy either! Or, end up setting rules to minimalize that stress you out because they aren't practical for your individual lifestyle.

As Mark says, tailor it to yourself. Look to others for examples on minimalizing, don't expect to copy and be content.

Considering I have spent 4 days organizing for a garage sale, this is just the beginning if minimalizing material belongings. Have almost 40 years of 'things'. Discovering I don't know why I bought them or still have them.

Will see what Tuesday brings.

@nananini wow! Let me know how the garage sale goes! :)

You describe in your post just a sense of life, life path I have rediscovered for me.
In the last 12 years I have moved so many times... and with every move I have reduced my useless things.
But I am a woman 🙈 I still have too many shoes and clothes.🙄 One day I will be strong and reduce those things too. I know it 😊
It is true we all live in material abundance.
It is admittedly not so easy to reduce its usual consumption.
That's why I'm looking forward to suggestions from your side.
Small steps but big effect... that's my motto .
What do you think?

Hey @bellaibiza I think you will find my suggestions very helpful :) It's important to get rid of items we hardly use, and maybe it is possible to use items less, or to use other things for the same purpose :)

Oh yes ... that's right ... I have already given away many superfluous things ... if I could make someone happy with it.
Likewise, it makes me happy to recycle things ... old furniture with a new color is often chic and unique.
But I'm sure ... you have some new tips for me 😉

Yes! I've started of easy today with a simple challenge of getting rid of 7 items in 2 categories. You can read the post if you want. Next week we will be diving in a bit more deeply.

I will read it 👍 I am very interested in this topic!

Cool! :)

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