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RE: Don't Make Them Sick So You Can Make Them Well

in #life6 years ago

She must be your logo on Minds, @indigoocean. I'm not sure if it's an error on steemit or if you intended it that way, but your post seemed to cut off at the end for me at

"But when I came to get her she was lock"

So I'm curious to hear more. I'll bet just being back with you in time will cure her of whatever it may be. Many Blessings to you, my friend, and your cute little dog.

By the way, I miss your steemit posts on Minds. I normally use that to keep track of friends who post on Steemit too.


OMG, the blockchain totally lost most of this very long post! I'm not sure when it happened. And maybe it was a factor of using Busy. It was there for over a day in full though. Now it does cut off there, both there on Steemit and on Busy. Not sure if there is any way to retrieve the full thing from the blockchain archive, but I'll try to.

Now that is strange. New gremlins on steemit now. I had a feeling there was a lot more. Very strange indeed.

Thankfully that tts thing makes audio recordings of all posts! I'm transcribing right now. LOL

Good thing and that it is still time open to be edited too.

Yes! Take a look again now. Just transposed it. Not the most precise transcription, but will do for now. I'm still hoping to find a copy of the original.

Yes, so well said! This one you really hit on the nail. I relate totally too, because of having recently gone to so many funerals over the last 6 months and seeing others go through the same ritual beliefs you describe, while feeling those who passed on in my heart freed up and in a celebratory state of moving on. Those I knew the best often not only remind me of their new state, but often have deeply profound messages for me and my own life, which includes not as much preaching to the others the messages I get as simply to shine that inner peace to the others energetically.

It's also amazing to me how I too share almost the exact same periods of healing with seeing auras and knowing intuitively issues people have to heal from my heart.

And I love your words,

Water flowing into the cracks.

Instead of some egocentric mind game from a place of one needing to heal another for their own self validation, it comes naturally from a selfless heart of compassion... and flows so effortlessly. In my case, I am sure that's part of why these periods of my life have come and gone, as different aspects of my own ego do tend to entangle things energetically once I slip out of my heart and back in my head... For me it seems to be much about releasing the mind chatter to fall back in the compassion of my heart, which is much like an effortless natural spring.

Compassion sees the person in their well-being even when the person can't see it or outwardly be it themselves.

This is so true... Thank you so much, @indigoocean, for sharing this one, as it helps to give me some moments of fresh clarity about it all - (seeing a part of myself in you too). Sincerely, thank you 💚

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