My Wife Cheated On Me What Do I Do Next?

in #life6 years ago

My Wife Cheated On Me What Do I Do Next?

Okay, well, first of all I’ll be frank. I’ve been cheated on several times in the past; once in a long term relationship and a few times as we were getting passed the dating stage.

For us men it’s like a kick in the teeth. I don’t know about you but the last thing I would want to do was reach out to my friends. I can just imagine them now as they laugh and joke about me not being good enough for my woman as I told them that my wife cheated on me, with my tail between my legs. Not being man enough. Perhaps I shot duds? I could overhear them presume. Even if they stood quietly I could feel their mocking eyes boring into my soul; my shattered, blackened and torn apart soul, bruised from the torment of infidelity. This was all in my mind of course, I mean my friends have always been sympathetic to how I am. I can remember one New Years party that I was struggling with my Mental Health, and Barry, my mate, guarded a random bedroom as I took 15 minutes to gather my thoughts together. So this was all in my head, and if you’re thinking the same it’s probably in your head too.

Reach out to friends. You know you want to. Cry on their shoulders, drink with them like the old days, listen to the verve lucky man on repeat, you know?

A lot of people don’t understand that although feelings of sadness and despair are uncomfortable and most of the time unwelcome, allowing them to consume you is absolutely what you must do. In the past I was a bit of a feeling stuffer. I’m not too sure if that’s a term, but to me it’s when I stuff my feelings so far down the plughole that I can’t feel them anymore. This was my mantra. Become emotionless and bury my head in lots of work and nights out. But doing so would create a backlog. A queue of unhealthy feelings stacking back like mount Everest in the pits of my stomach. And they will come out eventually, oh yes; whether you’re quietly reading a paper and spot something offensive in it, or as you wave your angry hand at all the unjust things in the world as a distraction to not deal with your own mountain backing up — it’s coming though, you can just about see the legions of anger bobbing their heads up and down over the hill, several thousand strong.

It’s all about you

So your first duty as a husband is to start acting in exactly the way she has made you feel. Scream, cry, yell, fuck, who cares — let it all out. She’ll obviously try bargaining with you, or twisting the tale into a way that makes you seem like the bad person; just don’t lose fact that she’s the one that chose to have her cake and eat it at the same time. She’s the one that gambled with the best of both worlds and lost, she was the one that broke perhaps the most sacred trust between any two individuals that chose to get married and be faithful to one another. Right now it’s only you that matters because it’s all about how you feel and how you would like to move forward now that you know the truth; you’re only now coming to terms with the fact that my wife cheated on me. Also, people may tell you that you could have treated her better, or that maybe you could have tried more in the relationship, but that’s just doublespeak to excuse her from the act of cheating. You cannot be blamed for her not coming forward and telling you what was on her mind.

There will honestly be a few things to consider, and it’s something I’m not going to do; sit and make your decisions for you. But I’ll make you aware fully of the choices that you have in front of you. Firstly you are going to want to make the choice to stay in the Marriage or not. Asking yourself the question that when my wife cheated on me what will I do next? is a good start. Is it a risk you want to take with a cheater? Is she sorry? Does she want to stay in the relationship herself? Does her ‘sorryness’ reflect in the same way when everything is smooth again? For example: does her actions align with what she says? Are there kids involved? Would it be better that you were together or apart for the kids mental health? These are all very hard thoughts to take into consideration, but decisions must be made and boundaries set or she’s going to walk all over you.

It’s happened to many men

Around about now you’ll probably feel that you’re the only one this happens to, but you’ll be surprised to know that you aren’t the only one. There’s an entire movement built on the premise of the unfair treatment of men within the Marriage system and the courts. Men going their own way, or, MGTOW. Not that I agree with what they stand for but this group is full of men who have suffered at the raw deal of the courts and have used this movement as a way to justify their prejudices. When I was about 25 I found out the lady I had been seeing for 6 months, and had practically cohabited with had been seeing two other men all this time. As mostly a loyal young puppy dog you could imagine that this crushed me — fortunately I had enough women friends at the time to know that behaviours like hers were #notallwomen, but it did hurt all the same.

If you do decide to leave, or that she has said that she’s leaving you then I advise fully to lawyer up and get to the courts first. I’m not too sure if it’s just in the UK but the courts look favourably on men that can prove their spouse has been unfaithful, or that are wanting to break up on those grounds. Please don’t quote me on this, I heard it from one of my friends that has had this done to him.

Grieve my friend, grieve

I also implore you to take some time to grieve. Hook up with friends, chat shit about your ex-wife, embrace those feelings of feeling shitty and cheated out, because that’s exactly what’s happened to you. Grieving is a serious process and if we don’t grieve then we’re never really getting over our feelings. They don’t go away just so you know; you have to eventually let go of that anger and hatred, and if you don’t healthily let it go, it will come out in other weird and wonderful ways. Yeah, spend hours talking to your friends about how horrible she was, if you have good enough friends they’ll understand that you’re hurting and angry — eventually, as time plods on those feelings will fade off into nothingness and all that will be left is how you felt before you met her. Just another person.

You’ll also have to deal with the fact that another man could potentially be raising your kids. This entire concept doesn’t sit well with me. I’d absolutely hate my kid to be raised by another man, yet it’s a known fact that kids do better with two parental figures in the home. The trick is to not be difficult about it. Just accept that this is the natural progression if she were to have the children. If you try to be difficult then you are creating unbalance in your kids lives and that’s not good. Of course if he’s a deadbeat Dad and doesn’t give a crap about your kids that he’s in supervision of then now is about the time to gather some evidence to get custody.

Kids are the most important!

Remember not to forget that your kids are the most important in all this. So absolutely no “she did this” when they are around. I was a kid that was batted back and forth from my parents court like a tennis ball and used as a weapon against both of them. Don’t do that. Your kids will form their own opinions in time, let them choose for themselves. Any attempt to do otherwise may have them hating you forever. Just be there for them when it matters and never let them down and you’ll be fine.

A couple of great places for further reading and help:

The Good Men Project

Surviving Infidelity Forum

Relate counselling services / Find a counsellor in your area


If your partner is cheating on you, you need to talk about it frankly. You need to make sure that you are not the only one who is suffering; make sure you stop / lessen the financial support; also, maybe end the relationship if you feel too exploited; some people are with their partners just for financial gains, and there type of relationships should be immediately ended.

Thanks man - good comment :)

Being cheated on is devastating to men or women; however, based off of what you've said it would seem like it is easier for women to talk to each other about that.

Now that you have mentioned it, I have heard negative tones from people when a guy mopes too much about relationship issues like a cheating partner.

I would like to counter-argue, that men have it easier to get a rebound. This is just my opinion, no facts to back it up, but I know a woman who left her cheating husband and he moved a girl into her home 3 weeks after she left. When she started dating 2 months after their separation, I heard a bigger reaction from people saying things like "wow that was fast," and "she didn't waste anytime." I was just like woah... big double standard... because if I would mention anything about him moving a girl in 3 weeks after she left, people would say "well, you could expect that."

Sometimes I feel like it's okay for a man to move on, but a woman is supposed to hold her head down in despair over it for awhile before it is socially acceptable for a woman to move on.

Absolutely, I think that we as society should treat both men and women the same when they move on from a relationship. For me, not even 3 weeks later, but an hour after breaking up, both him and her are free to do whatever they want.

This is really interesting that you said that. Kudos to you, a bit of raw vulnerability coming from your side.

I guess it's down to the person that's judging.

Most of my life it's been the women that have moved on easy as pie. One girl I was seeing was also seeing someone else for the entire time I'm a was with her! Took me months to get over her, and a lot of trashing her to my friends! Haha.

But then it's great to see different perspectives like yours because then we see a bigger picture; that it's a case by case thing :)

Every situation is very different... and it is terrible for anyone who has to go through being cheated on. Who knows... it might be culture, maybe it is a southern-gal culture thing for women to be judge harshly on these kind of things.

Wow. This is the most real post I've read here in the 17 days I've been a member. Dude, I feel for you. What a terrible thing. I've never had to deal with it so I can't say I know what you're going through. I don't know if you're looking for sympathy or advice, or both. Let me just say you have my full sympathy. I'm so sorry this happened to you.

If you want advice, I would say you need to pray about it and you need to ascertain how badly she wants to be forgiven. If she can look you in the eys and convince you she's truly sorry...personally, I would forgive her and do my best to move on. People are human. THEY WILL SCREW UP, but you don't want to be caught in a cycle of sadness if she is just going to continue to repeat this kind of behavior. You've got to lay down the law, and let her know how seriously you take this, and that you will not stand for it to ever be repeated. I'll pray for ya too, man.


"People are human. THEY WILL SCREW UP" - not the best choice of words at a time like this ;-)
Buy seriously, you're spot on. Both men and women are imperfect and both will do stupid things.
It doesn't make them bad people, it just must be hugely disappointing to be let down by someone you've always loved and respected.

LOL...oops. I screwed up. Sorry!

Thanks man!

Um, I'm still happily married :)

I wrote this as a man that's been cheated on before as a way to help other people go through the crisis :)

Ah...well then my prayer was answered then, wasn't it!

We have to make sacrifices for the sake of our wives. For example, I’m going to Hawaii, just to please my wife.

Do you think Hawaii is far enough away from her?

Haha!! - I lol'd at that. Nothing like a bit of humour to ease a potentially bad discussion! :)

It's true bro... Great post

Thank you sir!

Having gone through this myself I can say that it put me in a truly dark place for a while. There are still effects that I carry with me although I’ve learned to cope with them as the time passed. My ex wife and I had a good relationship...but there was always the thought of “the grass is always greener” that came from her. Be it jobs, money, friends...and apparantly a lover. It was just never enough for her. Once I found out, the thing that hurt the most was she tried to destroy me afterwards in ways I won’t even get into on here. Just some really awful things. Things that I couldn’t believe she was capable of. That was definitely the hardest thing that I had to deal with. That final betrayal was Devestating.

Luckily I had the support of my amazing friends and family along with my dogs who were all pivotal in helping me become whole again. I was not too proud to ask for a shoulder to lean on or too manly to cry. I did it all and feel as though that helped rebuild me to a somewhat healthy place.

Thankfully years later I’m in a healthy relationship with my lovely wife @reeseshara

I feel alive again and am thankful to have her by my side. We laugh and play more than I ever have before with a partner. She inspires me to be a better person and I could not be happier.

To anyone going through this...It happens. It’s a shit situation when it does happen but know that you aren’t alone and that you will get through it and become whole again.

Love this my friend. Really great that you came out of the other side. People can often surprise us when they let their dark side shine through!

Thx so much. Yeah, it was definitely a very difficult thing to understand and comprehend at the time. Things just didn’t seem clear or make much sense. I think having a good base of folks that can help you through it is least for me. Thx for putting up a post that allowed me to share.

No problem! I aim to cut deep. This is where my writing helps best :)

Well I will definitely check in brother. It’s good to think upon things such as this. I hope the writings and conversations will help anyone who finds there way to this piece you put up.

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