Steer around writing blocks with relief projects

in #life6 years ago

Stuck in a story/poem/essay? This post has you covered.

Here’s what you need to do: instead of hammering away at going nowhere until your writing world cracks and you fall into the void of doubt, wonder why you even try, and burn your laptop in a bonfire, shortcut negative self-talk by writing something completely different.

Image by Stacia M. Fleegal*

I call this act of self-preservation a relief project; it’s a life vest in troubled waters, a compass on a convoluted hike with no cell service. Your purpose in pursuing it will be to direct your thoughts away from your “stuck” writing. Why? At the risk of sounding like a fortune cookie, walking on a new path will reveal unexpected wonders.

With that said, your relief project might look like you writing in a different voice or character’s point of view. It might be you engaging a completely different genre of writing or art. And that’s ok, even optimal–but how to go about it?

I tend to write on topics that are emotionally challenging. In order to give myself a break, I write a relief project based on a moment of joy. In essence, choose a relief topic which serves to contrast your main project topic. Then, when you get stuck, switch gears from tough writing to light writing, nonfiction to fiction, poetry to painting or comedy to horror. This will help your brain to push your main writing to the background and turn it over passively, ultimately clearing your creative path and allowing you to stay productive.

Because let’s face it: most of the negative self-talk we writers dispense is about how we aren’t getting words on the page. And it’s not just the right words; it’s the word count. It’s possible to serve your writing intentions for a particular project by veering away from that project but continuing to write. Instead of submitting to a closed-door assertion that “I have writer’s block,” steer around the block with a relief project and keep your creative energy connected to action.

Whatever you choose, a relief project is an opportunity to restore balance in your writing practice by relieving the pressure of writing the “right” thing and replenishing your creative energy by focusing on something new.

This post was originally published by the Center for Creative Writing.


The relief project sounds. Especially for them experiencing the writers block right?🤔

I'm here on Steemit at the moment because I don't want to grade anymore (I have to finish for Thursday morning and I still have at least a couple more hours of work to do that I've been avoiding for over a week...) and I am the editor of a neighborhood annual newsletter that is lagging a bit...I don't have tons of energy to chase after the advertisers to pay and send their ads or the authors to get their butts in gear, or myself to work on the layout or my own articles...It will get done, I hope, before the bambin@ gets here, but we just don't know! Why doesn't this motivate me to get it done so I can relax??? But I do like your tactic described above! I do try to reward myself for doing obligatory work by letting myself do something fun and creative or whatever. Take care!

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