
Stop beating yourself up and just feel.
Feel the pain.
That's how you will heal.
And you will heal.❤️

love is just not for the sane person, if you are not a least a little bit crazy then you are not loving the right way.

also shit happens, you screw things up, she screw things up, things are screw but if is mean to be they will be fix in time, if is not then another person will come and you will see why all this happen the way it did.

p.d. the nudes were sexy af! be proud!

Dude, time to flip da switch. Focus this energy into YOU. POWER THE FUCK DOWN and pay some bills man. Become a beast hungry for improving. Dominate your emotions and use them to your advantage.. Be a WARRIOR. I believe in you.

Dude, wtf is going on?
Im not even going to look at the nudes to tell you how retarded what youre doing is.

This is STEEM! You arent going to get any real support here. You will get fake internet pats on the back while getting judged for what youre writing.
Steemians are the least genuine people in crypto because "preaching the gospel" and conforming to expectations, acting as is expected of you, is how you get ahead.

You will not find here what you are looking for. Youre only going to feel like shit in a couple weeks or months when you realize what you were writing here and it will be hard for you to come back to steem.

If youre having trouble coping, go talk to a psychiatrist, with IRL friends, with your family.

This is just giving you the illusion that its helping. Go get real help. Dont rely on fake sentiment from people you dont know and dont know you...

Stay strong brother, sometimes with the changing of the seasons it can bring about some temporary turbulence, but as with all things, this too shall pass. One of the tricky lessons in this life is learning to want the things we already have and to set free the desires for the things we have not. This is a recipe for peace of mind, it’s a wisdom that some people will never come to realize; but if you can manage it, especially in times of despair, you can be free. Once you learn the exercise, you'll realize the new found ability of generating gratitude is a superpower. Mad respect, I owe you at least one DRAMA token for the last two posts.

“One day Solomon decided to humble Benaiah Ben Yehoyada, his most trusted minister. He said to him, “Benaiah, there is a certain ring that I want you to bring to me. I wish to wear it for Sukkot which gives you six months to find it.”

“If it exists anywhere on earth, your majesty,” replied Benaiah,

“I will find it and bring it to you, but what makes the ring so special?” “It has magic powers,” answered the king. “If a happy man looks at it, he becomes sad, and if a sad man looks at it, he becomes happy.” Solomon knew that no such ring existed in the world, but he wished to give his minister a little taste of humility.

Spring passed and then summer, and still Benaiah had no idea where he could find the ring. On the night before Sukkot, he decided to take a walk in one of the poorest quarters of Jerusalem. He passed by a merchant who had begun to set out the day’s wares on a shabby carpet. “Have you by any chance heard of a magic ring that makes the happy wearer forget his joy and the broken-hearted wearer forget his sorrows?” asked Benaiah.

He watched the grandfather take a plain gold ring from his carpet and engrave something on it. When Benaiah read the words on the ring, his face broke out in a wide smile. That night the entire city welcomed in the holiday of Sukkot with great festivity.

“Well, my friend,” said Solomon, “have you found what I sent you after?” All the ministers laughed and Solomon himself smiled. To everyone’s surprise, Benaiah held up a small gold ring and declared, “Here it is, your majesty!” As soon as Solomon read the inscription, the smile vanished from his face. The jeweler had written three Hebrew letters on the gold band: gimel, zayin, yud, which began the words “Gam zeh ya’avor” — “This too shall pass.” At that moment Solomon realized that all his wisdom and fabulous wealth and tremendous power were but fleeting things, for one day he would be nothing but dust.” – sourced from

This is what I meant when I said keep going even when you feel like you aren't getting anywhere and you feel frustrated or hopeless, or whatever it was I said. On the edge of failure is maybe a better way to put it. Cause if you are trying to do anything worthwhile, the edge of failure is never far away. If you're trying to do anything worthwhile, you are never certain if you'll reach your goal and you will often doubt yourself for trying. In your moments of doubt, you're gonna feel like a failure cause you aren't already where you want to be, so that's where patience is a good practice.

Patience, but I don't know about gentile. I think when you feel like shit it isn't helpful to try and convince yourself otherwise. You can only work from where you are, you can't teleport to some future point where the hardest work is already done and start there.

You have a really good plan in place and you've started working it. I don't know you personally, but it doesn't matter. I know that's progress. Don't make the mistake of thinking it's gonna be fast or easy.

You don't know me either, so I hope you don't mind me linking something I think is relevant. I've written on this topic several times.

P.S. Bankruptcy: been there and done that. This year we pass the 7 year mark where I suppose getting credit might become possible again, but the experience definitely made me think differently on debt in general.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi @soundwavesphoton 🙂
I can really sense that you are feeling irratic.

check your discord

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