Blockchain Governance: The Hunt For the Hidden Answer

in #life6 years ago

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This is probably the most controversial blockchain thought that has ever crossed my mind. And hell, I’m not even sure if I would think the same tomorrow.

Maybe I’ll remember some new aspect that I might’ve missed while typing this.

Maybe someone would point some brilliant points in the comment section and introduce us me to a new perspective to explore.

Or maybe I will discover some new data that makes me re-access the whole thing again.

But meanwhile, I’m stuck with this new thought I just can’t shake, and I want to share it with you.

Earlier today, I was reading an article that a friend shared and my eyes landed on the most peculiar observation. An observation that strangely enough, had nothing to do with the article itself.

Funny how the mind works.

The sentence in question was dealing with the fact that despite all efforts that Ethereum spent in an unprecedented and highly publicized campaign, they only managed to get the 4% of the user base participating in the voting process.

Only 4%, huh? I wonder what the turn out would’ve been without any publicity nor campaign, But I’m digressing.

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So what does that tells us? That probably 96% of the users have little to no interest in getting involved in politics or voting for policies.

Here’s a weird question. How much percent of that 4% come from the loudest minority? Every community has that, and that’s certainly a factor to consider.

But let’s toss that aside for a minute because there’s a new philosophical question that arises:

If the majority are not interested into politics, what need do we have for politics in the first place?

I mean, one of the reasons why people root for blockchain technologies is to escape the often corrupt, always deficient political system that people gave up on long ago.

And let’s not forget, one of the most common criticisms we hear about the political system in modern society is the lack of sufficient research and due diligence the voter do before voting.

For example:

The average man spends anywhere between a few hours and a few days when it comes to buying a car.

They need to look for competitive prices, check the engine, take it for a test drive, get a second opinion… Etc.

When they want to buy a house, it takes even longer.

They inspect the property, asks the neighbours, check with the notary, search if there are some good schools nearby for their children to go to… Etc.

That due diligence takes days if not weeks, and for good reason because it’s not a decision you want to take lightly.

But when it comes to voting for the president of the nation, how long does it take to make a decision?

3 seconds.

That’s it. People just vote for the one who says the things they agree with the most. Or even worse, they just vote against the other guy, which is a little closer to the truth.

In case you’re wondering why “The Lesser of Two Evils” is always the main title of each presidential elections.

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So the new question becomes: To which degree it remains a good idea to copy governance principles from a the very system we’re always disappointed with.

Especially if 96% of the users are not even interested and/or they don’t deem themselves knowledgeable enough of to decide on certain key points.

Let’s face it, most users are probably busy with their own jobs too, and probably do not have the time to do market research, revise the code on GitHub, learn about game theory and market adoption.. And a long list behind that.

And more importantly, they may not even want to vote on these aspects or the changes that need implementing.

Now I know, the main reason why we must have the political aspect involved is to have a solid democracy…. But if the 96% doesn’t want to participate, then wouldn’t that defeat the whole purpose entirely?

Granted, each blockchain has a different community and a different niche, so each situation is different. Each of them try to enact their own model of governance.

In fact, this is the whole purpose of this post, is to entertain the idea of a case-by-case option as opposed to a one-size-fits-all philosophy.

Can you have a decentralized platform where the direction of the company mostly stands on the shoulders of its architects and the people who spend the most time building it and maintaining it?

Just like when the first wave of platforms were being built on the internet, they didn’t necessarily have the users vote on each aspect of the website they needed to tweak.

Each platform just implemented its own vision. It started from there and the internet ended up being the biggest democratization tool ever invented (until the blockchain).

Which leaves us with an interesting question: To which degree do we need to have politics involved in decentralization?

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all of this includes a paradigm shift in the way of thinking // i'm not sure when people will be trusting and pacifistic enough to shift into the new possibilities.

I don't know either, and that's a very important question. The first thing that comes to mind is inventing a system to bypass people's need for adapting to a new trust system.

An example of that would be the "escrow" system in finance, people do not have to trust each other because there is a tool that takes care of that.

I wonder what would be a good equivalent in blockchain governance, maybe some type of identity reputation based on some combination of knowledge and past contributions? I really don't know. :P

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What an idea!!!
So cool!!

This is quite interesting... The truth is we don't know where cryptocurrencies will lead society in terms of economics, politics and society. We understand its power, but what if it could backfire? What if instead of becoming a democratizing tool, it becomes a tool for the tyrants? That would be the outcome of a voting process with no participation, it wins the opinion of a few, if not just one.

In the end everything come down to believing, and the reasons to believe. I believe in crypto because it has so much to give yet, once the older generations move aside and let us the wheel, cryptos will become a world wide currency. I enjoyed reading your post, have a good time!

hmm interesting point. I doubt it will be a tool for the tyrants, but rather quite the opposite.

What I meant by the voting system isn't to have politicians be voted on the blockchain. But rather the need (or lack of) for blockchain websites to have users vote for each thing that is implemented.

For example, imagine the first websites that started launching on the internet. They just started building their websites, attracting people, trying to improve the user experience..etc. And the users were just happy with using the websites, they didn't have to vote for every change that the website needed to implement.

So the same with the Blockchain platforms, I was just trying to make a point that if some (not all) platforms should focus on building the best product possible instead of wasting a considerable amount of time and effort on dealing with internal politics.

Just a thought :)

I think part of the problem is that the politicians may not be effectively accomplishing goals that people want.

In the case of Steemit, we have voted on witness popularity and for things that witnesses have already done.

I want to change that paradigm.

My desire is to get STEEM and SBD on as many exchanges as possible.

I am getting a collection of people that will vote for the witness that gets STEEM or SBD listed on a major exchange. This collective of votes is outgrowing my expectations. I just barely started this movement and I'm surprised that I'm getting people to promise their witness vote everyday to the witness that gets the job done. I post the total everyday.

We set the challenge for the witness instead of the witness determining what is good for us.

The witness that accomplishes our goals gets the vote.

As a collective we have massive power because witnesses want 10,000 minnow votes instead of 1 whale vote. This is because the whale can change their mind and cause the witness to lose rank in an instant. With 10,000 minnow votes, this wouldn't happen.

First of all, thanks for the long and engaging comment.

I would like to start by explaining that this post was never meant to be about steemit witnesses at all. I personally lack the insider knowledge of how much what each of them contributes and helps, and unless I conduct personal research and reach out to each one of them personally, in a case by case basis... I'm afraid I am not qualified to make a public opinion on the matter.

Ok, now that we got that out of the way, I love it that you want to get steem and steem dollars in as many exchanges as possible, and obviously I wish you only the best of luck!!

I hope that things start rolling soon and that we hear some good news.

Best of luck!

We need someone to look after everything, while also not controlling it. It's cant be one person, group, or company. The chains need governance, but by whom and how to do it fairly.

To be honest, I don't know which would be the best model of governance. I agree with you in a sense than it shouldn't be left to one person..etc. But I wonder about what's the best solution from there, maybe we have to see and compare, learn by trial.

Either way, it's going to be fascinating to watch the developments.

Well looking from those politicians point of view who in front of public keep saying that its good but never implement such things i think they will find tough to create corruption then lol

Haha I think if there were some gambling website where you can bet if the politicians would keep their promises or not... We would be all rich! ;)

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