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RE: Take-out Lifestyle

in #life6 years ago (edited)

I started cooking different combinations I couldn’t find in the restaurants that deliver in my cheap city. And I really hate going out to the same 2, maximum 3 restaurants, that deserve to be paid for the food they serve, here. I agree totally with you that as economy moves forward and technologies are bringing costs down, eating out or ordering in is the best thing to do (given the fact that the products are of quality).
I too throw 2/3 of the fresh greeneries I buy (like cillantro that I buy for 2 plates of salmon tartar and then it justs dries out in the fridge - damn thing is pretty expensive too for a bloody weed).


Well in Finland eating out, or ordering in is not cheap because labour in Finland is very expensive. It’s funny that you mentioned cilantro, I love using it for woks, but if I don’t use it all immediately, the damn weed dies before the next day. I have a lot of plants and usually some herbs also, that grow quite nicely, but cilantro refuses to stay alive more than a day!

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