Book Photography #6: Survival Lessons From The Hunger Games Book Series // Pelajaran Bertahan Hidup dari Seri Buku The Hunger Games

in #literature6 years ago

Some walks you have to take alone.

– The Hunger Games: Mockingjay

Survival lessons from The Hunger Games Book Series

I took a quote in the second book of The Hunger Games series because it was right to deliver my writing about survival lessons.

The Hunger Games Trilogy written by Suzanne Collins, an American writer. This novel has a science fiction genre that was published in 2008 on the topic of dystopia.

Although The Hunger Games novel is only fiction, the topic in it actually illustrates real life in the world, especially about political chaos.

This series consists of: The Hunger Games (2008), Catching Fire (2009), and Mockingjay (2010).

Although The Hunger Games novel is only fiction, the topic in it actually illustrates real life in the world, especially about political chaos.

In the novel, The Hunger Games annual event is made for high-end gambling. People in 12 districts around the Capitol must have representatives to play in the arena of The Hunger Games to fight for food prizes.It's really cruel indeed Capitol politics in the novel. The players must kill each other to fight for one place of winner.

The lives of helpless people are only toys for rulers in the Capitol. They don't care, what is important is that they can watch The Hunger Games.

Death is entertainment for government authorities.


The main character in The Hunger Games series is Katniss Everdeen. She had to replace his younger sister in the arena because her sister was unlucky to be chosen as a representative in her district to attend The Hunger Games.

Katniss is not just following the game, but as the story goes Katniss is an early form of rebellion against the cruelty of the rulers of the capitol.

Katniss Everdeen never feared anything. She is strong, and fighting against rulers is the best choice to save more lives. Although in rebellion many lives must be killed, but such rebellion is a form of sacrifice and struggle for survival for yourself, as well as for families and people.

Learning from Katniss Everdeen, each of us must have the ability to survive, especially for women. We must be strong, not give up easily, because we never know what the future will be like.

Maybe the future will be as terrible as The Hunger Games for a country can get food in order to survive.

We have to learn various survival skills from now on, including archery, horse riding, swimming, and most importantly exercise physical endurance by continuing to exercise.

May we all be able to defend ourselves from the cruelty of the world today. We have no choice but to train ourselves to survive!

Have a great day, Readers!

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Pelajaran Bertahan Hidup dari Seri Buku The Hunger Games

Beberapa langkah mengharuskan kamu untuk berjalan sendirian.

– The Hunger Games: Mockingjay

Saya mengambil satu kutipan dalam buku kedua seri The Hunger Games karena tepat untuk mengantarkan tulisan saya tentang pelajaran bertahan hidup.

Novel Trilogi The Hunger Games karangan seorang penulis Amerika Serikat bernama Suzanne Collins. Novel ini bergenre fiksi ilmiah yang terbit tahun 2008 bertopik tentang distopia.

Seri ini terdiri dari: The Hunger Games (2008), Catching Fire (2009), and Mockingjay (2010).

Walaupun novel The Hunger Games hanya fiksi, tetapi topik di dalamnya justru banyak menggambarkan kehidupan nyata di dunia khususnya tentang kekacauan karena politik.

Dalam novel tersebut diceritakan tentang acara tahunan The Hunger Games yang dibuat untuk perjudian kelas atas. Masyarakat di 12 distrik di sekeliling Capitol, harus memiliki perwakilan untuk bermain di arena The Hunger Games untuk memperebutkan hadiah makanan.

Sungguh kejam memang politik Capitol di novel tersebut. Para pemain harus saling membunuh untuk memperebutkan satu tempat pemenang.

Nyawa masyarakat tidak berdaya hanyalah mainan bagi para penguasa di Capitol. Mereka tidak peduli, yang penting mereka bisa menonton acara The Hunger Games.

Kematian adalah hiburan bagi para penguasa pemerintahan.
Tokoh utama dalam seri The Hunger Games adalah Katniss Everdeen. Dia harus menggantikan adiknya ke arena permainan karena adiknya secara tidak beruntung dipilih sebagai perwakilan di distriknya untuk mengikuti The Hunger Games.

Katniss bukan hanya sekadar mengikuti permainan, tetapi seiring berjalannya cerita. Katniss adalah bentuk awal pemberontakan terhadap kekejaman para penguasa capitol.

Katniss Everdeen tidak pernah takut apa pun. Dia kuat, dan berjuang melawan penguasa adalah pilihan terbaik untuk menyelamatkan lebih banyak nyawa. Walau dalam pemberontakan harus banyak nyawa yang terbunuh, tetapi pembereontakan semacam itu adalah bentuk pengorbanan dan perjuangan bertahan hidup bagi diri sendiri, maupun untuk keluarga dan orang banyak.

Belajar dari Katniss Everdeen, setiap dari kita harus memiliki kemampuan untuk bertahan hidup, khususnya bagi wanita. Kita harus menjadi kuat, tidak mudah menyerah, karena kita tidak pernah tau masa depan akan seperti apa.

Mungkin saja masa depan akan semengerikan The Hunger Games untuk sebuah negara bisa mendapatkan makanan agar bisa bertahan hidup.

Berbagai keahlian bertahan hidup pun harus kita pelajari dari sekarang, di antaranya yaitu memanah, berkuda, berenang, dan yang terpenting melatih ketahanan fisik dengan terus berolahraga.

Semoga kita semua bisa mempertahankan diri dari kejamnya dunia masa kini. Kita tidak punya pilihan selain melatih diri untuk bertahan hidup!

Semoga hari-harimu menyenangkan, para pembaca!

Salam Bahagia dan Lestari


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Buku yg bagus tetapi saya fokus dgn fotonya yg kreatif, bagus bordirannya @anggreklestari saya suka ,saya jadi mau bikin juga tapi mahal ya kalau dihitung per huruf 👍😁

Bisa bikin baju atau selempang untuk ciri khas. Gak mahal kok, ehehe. Kan untuk dipakai dalam jangka lama @santiintan

I watched the movie. Silly me, i didn't know it was from a novel until now. I wanted to read the novel just to know any difference on the movie.

This comment was made from

In my opinion, the film is good enough to adapt from the book. In fact, when I reread the book after watching the film, Jennifer as Katniss remembered in my head. Jennifer managed to bring Katniss's hard and strong character.
In fact, in another film, Jennifer was still carried by the Katniss character

The misfortune of the suggestion of odds being in your favour, inevitably means they are not in someone else's favour.
They are a great series of books, and yes although it is projected into future times (which can be vaguely placed in North America), these books are so thought provoking because the social divide they demonstrate, albeit exaggerated, is already very much part of our current existence.

Keren nih ulasannya, jadi pingin baca novelnya

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