
Yeah, I read about that situation, but had nothing of value to add. How's that going, BTW?

The layout of small venues often dictates the Camera be in the direct firing line of 1 of the sound system speakers, overpowering it's circuits with a signal it can't process. The Zoom, and the Fishing Pole, was the most practical solution. Set the record level at 17 or 15 for distortion free sound (Stay away from setting the level at 16, big secret..) and amplify the sound in the video editor.

I got lucky that Peter (Guitar) was willing to rework the recording with his equipment.

Yes, I remember you hoping Peter the Great might have a mo' to sort it out for you. Well worth his time! Reason to ditch your phone and stay glued behind your proper gear for more VocksVideos! Very interesting to experience the next level difference between staying here and going straight to YouTube. You hear of "loss" but now I heard it (and that with one and a half wonky ears!)

Nifty gadget (or should I say tackle?)

Of course you want to avoid 16!! (Tower in Tarot)

Ha ha, I did not know that. So what is the full meaning behind 16, the Tower, in Tarot cards? For Zoom it is rumored to just be a software glitch, but one easily sidestepped by staying over or under.

Tackle works for me :) I'm always fishing for better sound and sometimes fail miserably, and sometimes succeed spectacularly. Like the 16 setting on the Zoom, there is no middle ground it seems.

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