What If What You Want Wants You?

in #loa6 years ago

“What if the journey of finding out what my passion is is part of that calling?” – Mindi @theinspiredlife


A very good friend recently talked to me about playing the “what if” game. Then just after that conversation, I read the line above in a beautiful post from a new friend on Steem. When things like this happen in pairs I take notice so today I am inspired to write about some powerful ideas that arise from thinking “What If?”

As we begin to remove doubt, negativity, complaining, old outdated beliefs, and scarcity thinking the mind and the spirit opens up. For me, they opened first to the ideas of what if. To begin to play with these new ideas of endless possibility an ever so gentle game appears, and we can ask ourselves “What if everything is really working out for me all the time? What if everything is just the way it's supposed to be? What if everything is perfect? What if everybody who had never done anything great started where I am now, learning the things that I'm learning now?”

These questions subtly tune our vibration to a pure alignment of self. They can start general and then get more specifically tailored to the manifestations you are looking to bring about in your experience.

Money: “What if every billionaire started just like me? Beginning with basic financial concepts, gradually getting more advanced, and then learning to trust their instincts, ideas, and vision?” Love: “What if every romantic started with falling in love with life, nature, and with themselves? What if they fell in love with love and the feeling that emanates from their being?” Health: “What if every fit person out there just started where I am now? Learning about the things they put in their body and what resonates with them not what the experts say. What if they found the things that work for their life their balance just by trusting in themselves to find it?”


Then momentum gathers, and the game becomes fun!

What if every visionary leader started with just following their heart? Started with just removing doubt? Started by just believing in themselves? What if everything that has happened in my life was there to teach me? What if it was all for me? What if all made me grow into the person I am now? What if it all was there to help me remember who I really am? What if all the pain, all the struggle, and all the happiness were meant to open me up to a greater possibility than I could ever imagine?

What if this life is meant to be lived, happily, joyously, fulfilled with passion and love? What if I could begin to look at all the things that are happening in my life as great instead of all the bad? What if I could focus 100% of my attention on the good and know that anything that I perceive as bad is there to serve me?

What if everything happened for me? What if everything was making me better, stronger, smarter? What if there was nothing to fear?

Then my favorite thought of all. What if the things I want, want me?


What if this vast store of wealth that is amassing in the non-physical wants me to have it? What if it's actively trying to find ways to come in? What if it's teaching me how to allow it into my life?

What if true love is out there searching for me? What if we're connected on the spiritual level, circling each other like two binary stars? Like a tetherball game that eventually will come together, knowing all that I've learned and all that she's learned will be completely perfect for one another at the right time.

What if my body is actively talking to me, telling me the things it needs, the places that want attention? What if all I need to do is just listen to it? What if the things that will work to create the most amazing health are on their way to me now?

What if life is divinely putting the right people in the right places? What if the people that I want to be surrounded by, are looking for me? What if the fun, funny, courageous, spiritual, loving beings that want to change the world are waiting for me to join them?

What if my inner self, my higher self, the fullest potential of all that I could be wants to take over? What if it wants to become physical and real in this world and is actively, continuously sending me thoughts, inspirations, guidance, help, people, lessons, experiences that are molding me into that expanded self?


What if all these things I want are rooting for me to succeed? What if they are my biggest cheerleaders watching, waiting, hoping, learning, growing, and pulling me toward them through my heart, through my inspiration, through my evolution of thought, through my dreams? What if I am becoming all that I wanted to become before I came into this world?

Now I ask you, what if every day all your dreams are calling to you? Pulling you in their direction and leaving a trail of breadcrumbs as evidence that it's all happening for you? What if this writing was one of those breadcrumbs and you were meant to read it?

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Good Journey My Friends


Amazing, I LOVE this post!!!! Thanks so much for sharing Larry! It reminds me of the Rumi quote "what you seek is seeking you" 💗

Awe, thank you Bonnie. I love that quote but I couldn't remember who said it this morning. Much appreciated 😊

The Power of focus... 💖

Right! Thanks for reading it and resteeming it man, means a lot to me 👍

Cool, thanks for sharing.

Oh Larry, this is a beautiful post! I enjoy so much the ideas you developed here, I'm happy I could give some inspiration to this post and thanks for mentioning me in it.

Funnily enough I've been asking myself some of those questions lately:
'What if everything is really working out for me all the time? ', 'What if every billionaire started just like me', 'Learning about the things they put in their body and what resonates with them not what the experts say'.

The exercise of the 'what ifs' is so powerful! It removes the doubt and brings us to a softer terrain, one of less resistance that I could feel it undeniably while reading all of your ideas presented in every area you covered. The beauty of this article is that it invites everyone to use those what ifs for themselves.

Everything is making us stronger and better and we're walking on our own path even when it seems like we're not... I say this to myself all the time: if it wouldn't be this my path I wouldn't be in it!...

At some point, we will realize that all of those what-ifs were a whisper of our inner self, trying to make us believe in who we are and in what calls us forth.

Thanks for this, Larry, looking forward to reading more from you!:)

@larrymorrison i love this, if what i want want me what do you think that gonna be the problem? Absolute nothing... Am a newbie on steemit please check my post here: https://steemit.com/steemworld/@ikemsamuel/12-proper-manners-you-should-teach-your-child

tulisan yang sangat bagus, dan bisa mendidik kita semua.terima kasih.

@larrymorrison i love this, if what i want want me what do you think that gonna be the problem? Absolute nothing... Am a newbie on steemit please check my post here: https://steemit.com/steemworld/@ikemsamuel/12-proper-manners-you-should-teach-your-child

Yo bro, interesting take.

Here's my take on it. It's a little darker I'd say:

In terms of the "what if" games, you know how people ask, "If you could go back in time, what would you do differently?"

I always answer...

"Sorry, but this question no longer applies to me. To go back in time means to face a reality where my father is still alive.

My family and I have already moved on. I cannot imagine a reality where he's still around, ever again."

Whatever happens, good or bad, will happen and it has happened.

You have to take it.

And then you make the best of it.

As with most things in life, you make a positive spin out of it and grow into the person you're meant to be.

From dark comes the light then.

So again, good or bad. You take it. You have to anyway.

I love this contemplation and often think about these ideas myself. "What if I am becoming all that I wanted to become before I came into this world?"- From a spiritual approach, a lot of spirituals already say, that we choose the era and circumstances we are born into, as it will serve our purpose, through our experiences, to learn and to grow on the soul level. So in this concept, there is a reason why we came here, and we can decide what to do with it, to learn and to grow as we wish, to hopefully fulfil our purpose :)... or if not, maybe in a next lifetime...

Awesome friend

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