My three best friends...

in #love6 years ago

Like many people I have a best friend; Someone I turn to for advice, support and to listen to me when I need to talk. In my case my best friend is my wife and I would be completely lost without her. I don't mean I wouldn't be able to cook and clean for myself and make my way through life; I mean that my life would be quite meaningless without her. We have been together for a long time and we just sort of work you know? We're very lucky I think. This is a little picture I took a couple of years ago in the Versailles gardens in France. We were bike riding around the huge grounds and stopped for a picnic by the Grand Canal.

I have a couple of other best friends though and whilst I talk to them all the time, they don't talk back; Not in words anyway.

My other two best friends are Merlin and Cleo, a couple of funny little characters with completely different personalities and mannerisms, and I love them very much. You can see them pictured here in this post. Yes, my cats. I know, I can almost here you saying "here comes a shit-post because @galenkp can't think of anything else to write about" and if this sounds like you right now then just click-through and move along; Nothing to see here. However if you know me (my blog) well, you'll know that I'm never short of words and so I'm posting about exactly what I should be posting about in this time and place. :)

Merlin on the right and Cleo (Cleopatra) on the left.

We spend a lot of time with our cats, playing with and talking with them. For those of you who have pets you'll know what I mean; We talk to them all the time and in their own way they talk back. Each of our cats has a personality and we're fortunate that they are loving, playful and quite well behaved. They are also the best of mates, often found curled up together having a snooze, or grooming each other. They ninja-pounce each other around corners and off the furniture, watch movies and the Formula One racing with us on TV and come outside when the sun is out for some lazing around and general fun; They are mostly indoor cats though. Of course, being cats, they sleep a lot too. Our two cats mean a great deal to us and we find spending time with them to be cathartic, relaxing and fun.

We are about to head off on a 6 week trip overseas though and are not taking the cats of course. I'm already starting to worry about them and also for myself as I know I'm going to miss them terribly. We have a house-sitter (mum in-law) taking care of our house and the cats but we won't be able to have cat-cuddles with them and will miss them so much. Ok, so my wife will still have cat cuddles as she'll seek out any cat within a 100m radius of her and it somehow ends up in her arms but for me I tend to be more selective preferring my own cats to others. It's somewhat of a superpower of hers I think.

As a childless couple we can't comment on what it's like to have kids however can imagine being away from ones' children would bring about the same feelings. (Or may be not depending on the people involved). We put so much love and care, effort and emotion into pets though and I know I'm going to miss Merlin and Cleo greatly. Both of these cat's came to us as strays, Merlin was about 3 years old and very skinny (he is 20 years old now) and Cleo as a 5 week old. We saved her from a couple of lads terrorising her. She is 6 years old now. We took them in and after the getting-to-know-each-other period were firmly attached emotionally.

We have had pets before of course and have lost pets too. It's devastating and such an emotional moment. My fear is that Merlin, a 20 year old, may not be with us when we return which would be difficult to accept; When we leave I could be saying goodbye to him for the last time. With a human who talks back one can express how we feel, tell them how much they mean to us and vice versa however with pets it's a little different. Sure, we can shower them with love but they can't talk back, not in voice anyway.

We are really looking forward to our trip however leaving our cats behind is distressful and we're going to miss them so much. People who don't have pets may not understand however the power a pet can have over a human is incredible. That's why they are suggested for the elderly and those with illness. They have a soothing, almost healing effect, and one only needs to go to the park and observe a person with their pet to understand. My wife and I are both animal lovers but we love these two little things more than any other animal because they are ours. They welcome us home (probably because they are hungry), get mad with on our return when we've been away and they love us back in their own way. They are like people to us and in fact, I prefer their company to that of most people. No offence intended, just the facts. :)

If you have a much-loved pet you'll understand what I mean in this post and if not then I urge you to look into the opportunity. There are plenty of animals at the shelter who would love a nice home to go to and some humans to love. It's such an amazing benefit to a person's life to have a pet and i feel can bring a lot of happiness and enjoyment.

[- Design and create your ideal life, don’t live it by default -]


We don't 'have a pet', we have some visitors (oneow hich spends most of his time sleeping under my desk Felix the grey tiger looking one.
Either that or he spitting at me while I feed him...

It's funny, because I grew up on farm surrounded by animals, and have a real affinity - wild cat or not!

I was talking bout possibly moving, and the second thought that came into my head was 'what about felix?! lol)

At least you know your cats will be ok without you - they always are.

(with one exception when I was 6/7 years old - I had a cat that would stop eating if I wasn't there - literally - for days at a time, if I went away. I stopped going away...)

I had a friend who wondered why his cat was getting fatter and fatter until he realised it was living a double life. His by night and the lady around the corner's by day when he was at work. The greedy bugger was eating all day. Talk about loyalty! :)

Looks like felix has it made in the shade huh? Spits at you and you STILL feed him! :)

he's a real wild cat - it took me three months of feeding him every day for him to come in the house.

I feel honored he sleeps under my desk now -
he even lets a paw touch my feet (when he's falls asleep of course. waking up soon remedies that faux pas! lol)

If he starts watching you when you sleep you’re in trouble! :)

He's kicked out at 8pm (it was 6, I think he's angling for 9).

I do see him looking at me if I take afternoon 'ant nap'...shiiiiiiiiiiit

ant nap = ants sleep for a few seconds at a time - they just stop, and sleep, then carry on- hence my term 'ant nap'

G'day mate. I get this one very well. We have feral cat that has graced us with her trust and is becoming a part of our little family very quickly, although it is taxing at times as she is very nervous about many things.

She is black with white feet so is called socks. I'll add a photo to a short piece about her later. Winter just dropped in here today like there is no tomorrow with some heavy rain to make matters worse. She likes my wife enough, but I'm the one she trusts so as soon as I'm up in the morning she wants attention and as soon as I grab my laptop back she insists on leaving the house with me. I'm very worried about her although she was looking after herself before we came along.

I can't stop worrying about how cold she must be, has she gotten wet, won't she get sick and and and. I know the next time I'll see her is when I walk up to the front door as she somehow knows what the time is and will be waiting for me.

People that don't care for animals are just not really my kind of people.

I think that socks has decided where his home is. Your place! Cats are very resilient and are very good at masking pain and suffering however they do get sick. Maybe you should make him a little cubby house out of the weather?

I've been thinking about that, but have noticed that she is always warm and dry when she comes in so the wild cat still has some tricks up her sleeve. Something I love about animals is how good they are at judging people. Cats for one do not take well to faulty people.

20 years are a long time and I'm sure that he's very happy to have had the chance to live with you two and Cleo. It seems like a little family and as you said, you can love your pet as much as any other person! I really enjoyed reading your post - Have a good time on your vacation :)

Thank you for your kind comments. We are looking forward to our trip.

I remember reading a previous post of yours talking about how you and your partner went through some tough financial times and thought you two must make a great team. It’s nice knowing you always have someone in your corner.

And as for feline friends, I have one of my own and know exactly what your talking about in terms of animal therapy.



I’m sure they will be fine while your away, hope you can manage without the cat cuddles haha.

I’ll have to see if I can con a cuddle or two out of my wife! :)

Cats are the best huh?

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Your friends are very beautiful and cute.
Your wife is so lucky that he got good husband..
I like cats very much because of their innocence............

Cool, thanks for your comment.

Most welcome dear

I understand completely how you are feeling right now! They are family, and I'd think you weird (weirder? :) if you didn't feel this way!

I also love them because they are wonderfully weird :)

Cats are so awesome. Mine have a way of making me smile when I don’t feel like it, happy when I’m not and positive when I feel negative.

I know right?! Our not-so-little guys is sick today, throwing up etc. I had it two days ago and I'm hoping that's all it is. But it's a worry and it had me thinking of you guys going away for 6 weeks; it's a long time and I feel for your angst about it all. I don't know if "angst" is the right word (sounds too much like 13 year old girl, black eye-liner stuff), but you get my drift I'm sure :)

I understand what you mean. Maybe not angst, just a little anxiety. I'm worried about them forgetting us (lot likely to happen) but more about Merlin. He is old, and whilst very spritely and seemingly healthy we would be devastated if anything happened to him when we were not there.

great wife also as you know and this is Buddy

he is sleeping as he is feeling under the weather today

the two I cherish as well as my boys but they are not here lol

man sorry I see lynn just commented too

I love how your cat sleeps. Funny thing!

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