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RE: Market Friday - Amusement arcade

in #marketfriday5 years ago


How fun is that? I can see how inviting it looks as soon as I walk through your door here! Just like a neon sign, beckoning me to come closer and enjoy the colors. Almost flashier, with the binging of the machines and bells, calling out the level of points received - winning towards the next play.

Can you feel that adrenaline rush? Oh, who was it that saw this coin-operated fun machine as a profit of joy? Splendid shots of this darkened corner of enchantment. I especially love the large ARCADE sign as flashes its bright smile at you.

This was an awesome thread here and I do love looking at them and photographing them. Thoroughly enjoyable post!

Thank you for the huge efforts you put out, photographing and posting into the challenge! As always, have a most amazing day!

Upped and Steemed



I remember whenI was young going to the arcade just needed a pocketful of quarter, now if you want to take a few kids to one, you need to go get a loan from the bank first LOL
But they are so cool to see and the bright lights and sound do what they want and make it so enticing for the kids, but perhaps a nightmare for the parents and grandparents lOL

Always a pleasure to do a post for your challenge and then see the post of others from around the world

Thank you so much, you really are too kind. It is one of those things that blows my mind... how much kids entertainment is nowadays. Although, to be fair, there are a lot of adults that play in the Arcades also.

Or big kids, I should say!

It would be a nightmare for me as I do not see the sense of throwing away money like that. It is a real moneysuck!

Ohh yes they suck the money and the noise of the machines may draw in the kids but it drives me nuts
The last time the kids wanted to go there I made a deal with them do you want to go and blow $20 each of my money to win a few tickets and get a piece or junk or shall I just give you 20 and we go get an ice cream instead
And shortly later we were all enjoying ice cream 😎

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