
I use to get a lot of traffic from Google+ until they closed down. I ran a community there which I moved to FB when they closed. however the traffic I get now from FB I have a very high bounce rate with so I dont want to bother there too much any more.
I also get good traffic from linkedin, but I find the communities are poorly run and its just link dropping, and hard to engage.
What I didnt cover in this post, as I was keeping it for another post is the other side of the coin and being an influencer, so stay tuned, because I will have more on that another day :-)

ok, thank you ... i don't really try for followers, but the funny thing is my youtube subscribers keep growing even though I haven't posted for two years, but I do have 155 videos there so i guess people find some of them interesting enuff to review more than once.

i don't use FB or Linkedin anymore (my Linked in page was always weak), but I follow about 30 people on twitter that I check. I find following much more than that is meaningless/just for show.

I dont really worry about followers numbers either, obtaining an email address is way more important, followers are really just the very very start of the funnel

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