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RE: The season is open. - 📸  - #Monochromemonday

That looks so inviting @madlenfox. I’ve actually been thinking about you and wondering if you made it through our long winter. We are just starting to enjoy some weather that is warm enough to go outside without a coat! This makes me feel a little happier...just like your photo does when I think about sitting outside a charming cafe. Thanks for sharing this with all of us today. ;)


@rebeccaryan, thank you for your kind words! Spring came to us really too late. It was a long wait. Even now, things are going too slow. Small leaves begin to open with great difficulty . These outdoor summer cafes give us hope for a speedy warming. Of course they are open prematurely and still too cool to sit on the outdoor veranda. Bright sun in the daytime-too deceptively, as soon as dusk, the temperature drops sharply and you need to take warm clothes. Therefore, I share and understand Your joy that you can finally take off your warm clothes. Thank you for taking the time to visit. I wish you as many warm days as possible :)

You too! I would say the same...still layering our clothing especially at night. Longest winter we’ve experienced in 30 years, it seems...of course I was only a teenager back then. Lol!

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