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RE: Motivational Boost Day 3

in #motivation6 years ago

Good going! It's not easy to maintain exercise habits but the key word there is "habit". You need to be disciplined and push through even if you don't want to. It takes around 21 days to make something a habit so FORCE yourself to do it at the same time each day and you'll start doing it automatically - that's an awesome feeling.

When I first started doing my routine, it was very hard to keep it going to begin with but there comes a time when you start getting used to it. When you miss a day, I actually genuinely miss doing the exercise and then it makes me want to do more the next time.

But sleep is absolutely key. I miss that one a lot, go to bed late then up early and wonder why I feel exhausted... So make sure sleep is accounted for!

Keep going :)


I forgot about that part being a habit. The right habits are needed. I still feel tired today but I suppose that is me trying to catch up from yesterday. I was in bed at 9pm!

I really hope I can get that far. 21 days isn't a long time. I just hope I can stay stubborn enough to get there.

Thank you for your encouragement! It helps me move forward in this <3

Wow 9pm Haha, yea exercise does that to you as well in the first instance - when you have done a good workout, body needs to rebuild with good rest! I still stay up late and paying for it today but it's Friday and I will not be setting my alarm for tomorrow!

Wishing the best with the 21 days routine, it will be worth it!

Posted using Partiko Android

It is Friday!!! I will be exercising with having a drink maybe! :p Happy friday to you.
And thanks ^_^

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