
Holy CRAP...! "Uncle Bob..!"........ Some of my relatives behave like drunken friggin Baboons....... "True Story" They belong in a ZOO.

@nikv Did you get things right up sided yet... lol

Whut?!? All looks right-side-up to me

I am totally NOTmessing with

This is what i see when i click on your profile in Partiko. Just took this screenshot of it.

It is right side up on laptop with Steemit tho...... weird huh.?

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah, it's to do with how the image is read. I noticed that Android reads images differently to the way that Steemit does. If I post Android images on steemit, I have to rotate them using MS Office. Partiko is reading the image as my Samsung smartphone does. These are the quirks of having multiple browsers and operating systems out there

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