Monday Nuggets.

in #motivation6 years ago


Happy Monday to everyone.

It is that day of the week again. Actually, I love Mondays, as you all know.

This is Monday Nuggets, where inspirational, motivational, life, love, Christian, funny, etc...quotes are shared. I hope you love and get pumped up by them, and laugh a little too.

The nuggets would be shared on Sundays and Mondays. They are quotes from all over, and by me as well.

There we have it:

Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity.

A bad habit is like a comfortable bed, easy to get into but difficult to get out.

Start today with a deep breath. Inhale all the love and goodness of God. Exhale all the tears, fears, and worries of life, then just smile.

Between thousands of yesterday and millions of tomorrow, there is only one "today", make the most of it.

Believe in your dreams, pause in a quiet place and let your mind be still. Take in the beauty of the world around you, then begin to know your dreams will come true, as surely as day follows night.

Mistakes are bound to happen, quarrels are bound to be picked, but let your love conquer it all.

Whatsoever you desire, dream it, think it, say it, believe it, behave it, and you will have it.

Do not just take care, take charge!.

When a defining moment comes, define the moment or the moment defines you.

Friends bring sunlight into your life and they warm your life with their presence, whether far away or close by. A friend is a gift that brings happiness and love.

You know what inspiration is? It is someone who let you know life will go on and something beautiful can be waiting somewhere for you, when you least expected.

It takes raw boldness to complete your stage in life. You should know there is no future for the fearful. You can make it. The people making it are not better than you are. See you at the top.

Nothing guarantees a great future like a correct picture and you can't feature in a future you can't picture, so keep your dream alive.

Greed is like a wound. If you are careless with it, it eats more and more into the bone and flesh. It could destroy.

May your heart be happy, your days bright, your roads smooth, your burdens light. May your dreams come true, may you touch the stars and never forget how special you are.

Have a great week.


Hello everyone, How are you all doing today? Wanna keep up with what @tangerinetravels are up to? Kindly subscribe to their channel on YouTube, click like on their videos and in Maddie's voice "Gong that bell", so as to be notified everytime they post new videos.

Their progress on YouTube has been so impressive, I would love you to be a part and be another reason to make them push further. Thanks in advance.

Follow @stach and to keep up with the amazing stuffs going on in this amazing community. Decentralizing the offline and making impact everywhere. I am glad to be a part and it would be nice if you would too.
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Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.


These are all great quotes, thanks for sharing.

thanks boss.... do have a great day

Good Monday motivators! I was hoping to do some work outdoors today, but it continues to rain and storm, so I'm getting indoor stuff done today!

Wow! It rained here today and I was in the car when it started. So sorry you couldn't go out and it's a blessing in disguise that you had to switch to indoor duties. Hope it wasn't tiring? Has the rain gone down now?

It's not raining right now, but more storms are predicted for later this afternoon. We are entering tornado season, so storms this time of year cause you to keep alert!

Wow. I hope it goes easy on you this time. Be on alert please. I know you will be fine. The thought of the storm draws shiver hahaha. I know you will be fine.

No worries! We expect severe storms this time of year. The county has warning sirens to alert us if there are tornados in the area, and everyone has a plan to seek shelter. It looks like the storms tonight will just bring more rain.

Oh I love that. Prompt and adequate information always help. I know you will be safe. Your good heart will always wade off damaging storms to your side.

I remembered the last time it rained and the snow came heavily then, you were indoor watching movies and reading few books too. Well done my friend.

I am safe and secure. And I always have an adequate supply of reading material close at hand, so All is well!
Thanks for your kind words!

You are always kind my friend.

You tried. So Five marks for you to assist your ministry...

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