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RE: Gearing Up For Captain Marvel

in #movies5 years ago

Hope you enjoy it, slutterbutt. I've heard it described as a Phase I Marvel movie in quality, meaning it was just alright. Hopefully it's a bit better, but it wouldn't surprise me either way.


I will do a review this weekend once a decent chunk of folks get around to it. You going?

Not before this weekend, I never go see a popular movie until it's been out for, like, 10-14 days because I get anxiety being in a crowded movie theater for some reason. Learned that when I went to see Jurassic World, like, 3 days after it came out. Started having a panic attack after like 15 minutes of being seated. Honestly no idea why beyond my brain is just fucked.

Really?!? Wow that stinks. You ever go to the big conventions or anything like that? Does it happen in any crowded situation?

I've been to one convention, and it didn't happen then. I get anxiety at concerts from being in crowds, but never that bad. I think the fact that I'm up and moving around during those kinds of events might help, I'm not sure. I just prefer either going to the drive in now, or waiting 10-14 days before I go to the movies anymore.

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