Many things on my needles ... / 最近の針仕事あれこれ

in #needleworkmonday5 years ago

My black sweater is 1/3 done, my socks is 1/2+ done, chunky yarn cowl has no progress ....... What I'm now mainly working on is my daughter's dress. We are invited to her great grandma's birthday party this month and then year end party season comes.



Initially the pattern I made from a shirt I sewed for her had sleeves but I changed my mind not to attach sleeves. Too many sleeve layers with long sleeve underwear, dress, cardigan and jacket ... It may look strange when she wears on top of her rainbow underwear but good to be comfy (and it's easy for me to sew and put on the dress on her. Win-win :D).

型紙を作った段階では袖があったのですが、袖ありにすると、長袖の下着、ワンピース、カーディガン、ジャケット・・・で4層になってしまい、さすがにないよなあと。虹色しましまの下着の上に着てカーディガンを羽織らないとおかしな見た目になりますが、まあまだ赤ちゃんの部類だし、着心地一番。私が縫うのも着せるのも楽だし win-win です。

Other thins look like photos below:




In parallel to my needlework, I'm baking bread and sometimes cake. Autumn and winter make me more actively bake breads. To connect bread baking fans, I maintain (or we maintain as it's a tag) # breadbakers. I'm happy to see your baked goods and read about your passion towards baking bread.

針仕事と並行して、秋冬の製パン製菓熱が高まっています。パン焼く人たちがつながれるように先日 #breadbakers というタグを作って、使っています。パンを焼くという方はタグに空きがあったらつけてみませんか :)


That's my Needlework Monday (+ baking). Happy Needlework Monday!

Needlework Monday Logo

#NeedleWorkMonday is initiated by @crosheille and @crystalize. Now it has its own account @needleworkmonday. Thank you for hosting a wonderful & fun weekly tag!

針仕事の月曜日こと #NeedleWorkMonday@crosheille さんと @crystalize さんがホストしているタグで、@needleworkmonday のアカウントもできました。毎週月曜日に和気あいあい洋裁、和裁、編み物、ビーズワークなどなど針仕事にまつわる投稿を読んだり書いたりするコミュニティーです。 #japanese からも一緒に参加しましょう!英語のテキストがあるとよいようです。わからないことなどあったらお手伝いします :)



I like your socks picture most of all!!

Thank you @noemilunastorta. I like its color :)

The dress, the socks, the sweater and bread are all looking really good :) Love them all!! :)

Thank you @marblely :) And another thanks for taking care of the community this month!

I love the dress. The deep blue color is amazing. I it so beautiful with its pleats. Your daughter will be über-cute <3
And with the sweater: it is also very neat and lovely. Did you knitted the neckine directly or did you picked up stitches? It looks as if the neckline is a bit deeper (which is good) at the front, and I am unsure how to do this together with the ribbing... Very curious I am :-D
The rolls again look yummy. I have much to learn with the bread making. Mine are not always so nice... (some look more like a car accident)

Thank you @neumannsalva!

Yes the front neckline is a bit deeper. First I knit the main body and added the rib by picking up stitches from the neckline. I should have made a crochet chain with scrap yarn so that the rib and body are smoothly connected ... (improvement idea for my next attempt). I will write a tutorial post of this with my daughter's sweater. I forgot to photos time by time ;)

Talking about no-sewing together, there is an bottom up knitting technique: starting from the waist rib and attach sleeves around chest and knit the shoulder line all together. I made one and I liked it but I had the neckline trouble ... (front is too high). I will try this with some improvements in the future.

Your ravelry sweater is stunning!!!! I still have so much to learn in knitting. I started some weeks ago a bottom-up in the round cardigan, but this project is currently resting in the box. With bottom up projects I am always afraid, that they will not fit and I only notice this, when the project is more or less finished. I am not very good at estimating dimensions.
A tutorial for the sweater would be great <3 <3

And about the Schneckes, I hide the car accident ones in my stomach without taking photos :D

Clever technique :-DDD I have to work on my hiding skills (aka eating) :-D

@akipponnさん、こんにちは! @steemit-jpです。この度はあなたの投稿をJapan Daily Curation #150で紹介させていただきました。
@steemit-jp へのフォローと応援もお願いいたします。皆さんの力で日本のコミュニティをもっと発展させていただきたいと思っています。

@Steemit-jp さん、yadamaniart さんともしや間違い・・・かな?いずれにせよありがとうございます!

The dress has a beautiful rich color. it will be very elegant !!! I want to try baking rye bread without yeast. I bought all the ingredients but I’m not going to try to do it. I have not baked such bread yet and I feel a little uncomfortable :)

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