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RE: Tidying up my knitting without Marie Kondo

Haha! I have a big cupboard of things like this. Every so often I bring all the bags downstairs and leave them by my chair so they will get done. And then, before I can complete them (after all, they have only been sitting there six weeks, no time at all), we have visitors coming and they are all tidied (not Marie Kondo tidying, I now understand) back into the cupboard!

I love the pink cardigan, it has all the features I like - low neckline, boxy cropped shape, nice not too tight sleeves. It looks lovely on you, and the colour is beautiful. Which stitch have you used for it?


I love your method :-D We (my husband and I) also have a bit funny 'tidying' routines when in a hurry aka guest are coming: he puts everything on the top of cupboards and I put erverything beneath the couch or cupboard :-DDD The space in the middle is very tidy ... But better don't look up or down :-D

And with the cardigan: Thank you so much and I am happy that you like it. I used mainly hdc. But if you are interested I can send you my cryptic notes (or if I find the time the revised notes) and you can try it out? I still hope to make a proper pattern out of it :-)

I will wait for the proper pattern. That will encourage you :)
I am the same with the don't look up or down, but mainly for cobwebs!

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