Drama Drama Drama and Stormy Daniels A NXIVM Member? Maybe. - DTUBE Upload

in #nxivm6 years ago

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Looks to me like Stormy Daniels does have the K brand thing on her hip from the NXIVM cult. However if that is all we have we can’t make that claim. She also tweeted in 2010 about joining a cult, but did not mention NXIVM specifically. So this is a big lead, but we really really need to vet this way better to find more connections here before making the claim that Stormy is a NXIVM member ok?

Videos mentioned:

Watch Random Rants of Ryan break it down: Video

Chris Simpson's take: Video

Also is the Q Anon Crowd going to address the information we released? Y’all just gonna ignore the facts or what? The main Q Tubers need to address the information, forget the drama, address the information released about how Cicada, Monty McGovern, Defango, created Q Anon and then lost control of it. Now bad actors are running the Q posts. This is called separating truth from fiction and needs to be addressed.

As for all the drama going on, it’s just ridiculous, YouTube has turned into reality tv. I’m done with it. The types of verbal shots I fire take out channels. Look at em all scrambling now, you got unhinged people going nuts, and you got people deleting massive amounts of their work with no explanation. Have fun out there, real recognized real.

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For a good way to redpill people on pizzagate, give em this hypothetical:

Say you saw guys in the hood flash gang signs. And then suppose you happened upon their phone and there was coded drug language, e.g., "snow" etc. Then say you check out their social media and they are making explicit references to drugs, e.g., rolled up dollar bills and talk about getting "wired," etc. Then finally, you see them leaving the house of a known drug king pin.

These people are OBVIOUSLY involved in drugs in some capacity right?!

There is the same level of evidence for pizzagate:

"gang signs" = pedo symbols on Besta Pizza, etc

"coded drug language" = coded pedo language, eg., "pizza-related map" etc.

drug social media posts = pedo social media posts, e.g., "chickenhawk" etc

connection to known drug pin = connections to known pedos and traffickers, e.g., Silsby, Epstein, Hastert

To make no mention of the CP Titus's friend found on Comet website...

Freakin drives me nuts when people say there is "no evidence for pizzagate"...

I enjoyed your video.
thanks for share....

I just listened to this in a podcast and then appearenlty she tweeted out something about how she felt like she was being recruited into some sort of cult? Looks like you already covered it. Supposedly this was a while back and I only heard it on a trusted podcast but I have zero hard evidence. Just trying to add to the conversation. Maybe someone has the link, everyone is discussing it I just haven't actually seen the screen shot myself.

What's the difference between Q and Alex Jones? both are dis-info, with some truth, to normalize being fecked over. :-)

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